SB 107 accommodate legislation on medical services.
Senator Maher and Representative Peterson (Kent)
SB 140 require schools to provide instruction in hands-only cardiopulmonary
Senators Tidemann, Cronin, Curd, Frerichs, Greenfield (Brock), Haverly, Heinert,
Monroe, Nesiba, Peters, Soholt, and Solano and Representatives Hunhoff, Bartling,
Glanzer, Haggar, Hawley, Holmes, Lust, Rozum, Schoenfish, and Tieszen
SB 149 provide certain protections to faith-based or religious child-placement agencies.
Senator Solano and Representative Haugaard
HB 1070 revise certain provisions regarding the licensure of physical therapists and
physical therapist assistants.
Representatives Hunhoff, Haugaard, Holmes, McCleerey, Rounds, Steinhauer, and
York and Senators Stalzer, Killer, Rusch, Soholt, and Solano