P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Fiegen
P Haggar (Jenna)
P Heinert
P Olson
P Sutton
P Holien, Vice-Chair
P Ewing, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Sen Ewing, Chair.
HB 1116: authorize municipalities to impose an additional sales and use tax for a limited
period of time for a specified use.
Presented by: Senator Fiegen
Proponents: Kwinn Neff, Keystone, self
Representative Munsterman
Dana Boke, City of Spearfish, self
Deb Mortenson, Associated General Contractors of South Dakota
Dave Smith, City of Sturgis, self
Mary Jo Iverson, New Underwood, self
Debbra Housemen, City of Lake Andes
Yvonne Taylor, SD Municipal League (Handouts: No. 1,2,3,)
Opponents: Jim Terwilliger, Bureau of Finance & Management (Handouts: No 1)
Margo Northrup, National Federation of Independent Business
Nancee Johnson, South Dakota Beer Distributors Association
Jeremiah Murphy, SD Coalition for Responsible Taxation
Mary Kirk