st Legislative Session _ 2016
Committee: Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Frerichs
P Peterson (Jim)
P Ewing
P Jensen (Phil)
P Rampelberg
P Rusch
P Vehle
P Olson, Vice-Chair
P Cammack, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Senator Gary Cammack, Chair.
Moved by: Jensen (Phil)
Second by: Olson
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
HB 1075: revise the area for certain open units where nonresident waterfowl licenses are
Presented by: Senator Brown
Proponents: Representative Werner (Handouts: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6)
Representative Harrison
Trevor Cramer, Faulkton, self
Lorin Pankratz, Visitor Industry Alliance
Charlie Hoffman, Eureka, self
Marilyn Oakes, Keystone, self
Mark Kroontje, Campbell County States Attorney, self
Chuck Speck, Foristell, Missouri, self
Thomas Badger, Herreid, self
Opponents: John Cooper, Pierre, self
George Van Del, Pierre, self
Steve Nelson, SD Migratory Bird Association
Larry Steffen, SD Migratory Bird Association
Chuck Dieter, South Dakota Waterfowl Association (Handout: #7)
Bill Koupal, Pierre, self
Moved by: Olson
Second by: Peterson (Jim)
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (7-2-0-0)
Voting Yes: Frerichs, Peterson (Jim), Jensen (Phil), Rampelberg, Rusch, Olson, Cammack
Voting No: Ewing, Vehle
HB 1094: increase the commercial fertilizer inspection fee for purposes of fertilizer-related
research and education and to create the Nutrient Research and Education Council to
promote such research and education.
Presented by: Senator Tidemann
Proponents: Representative Qualm
Brenda Forman, South Dakota Association of Cooperatives
Dane Gillen, Corsica, self (via telephone)
Jay Gilbertson, East Dakota Water Development District
Lorin Pankratz, SD Soybean Association
Angela Ehlers, SD Assn of Conservation Districts
Matthew McCaulley, South Dakota Corn Growers
Michael Held, South Dakota Farm Bureau
On page 2 of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee engrossed bill, delete
lines 12 to 16, inclusive, and insert:
" Section 4. That chapter 38-19 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
From each fee collected pursuant to § 38-19-10, fifty cents shall be deposited into the nutrient
research and education fund created in section 7 of this Act. The nutrient and education fund shall
be disbursed as follows:
(1) The Agriculture Experiment Station may use an amount not to exceed five percent of the
revenue deposited in the fund for administrative expenses necessary to carry out the
functions of this Act;
(2) The balance of the fund shall be used for fertilizer-related, nutrient-related, and water
quality-related research and education purposes in conjunction with the Nutrient Research
and Education Council; and
(3) Beginning in fiscal year 2020, a minimum of ten percent of the fund shall be used to
support water quality projects.".
On page 2, line 22, delete everything after "association, and" and insert "one farmer member
of the State Conservation Commission".
On page 2, line 23, delete everything before "." and delete "four" and insert "five".
On page 2, line 24, after "organizations," insert "one representing the director of the South
Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station,".
On page 4, after line 2, insert:
" Section 7. That chapter 38-19 be amended by adding a NEW SECTION to read:
There is hereby created a nutrient research and education fund for the purpose of advancing
fertilizer-related, nutrient-related, and water quality-related purposes as provided in section 4 of this
Act. Any money in the nutrient research and education fund is continuously appropriated to the
Agriculture Experiment Station. The state may accept and expend for the purposes of this Act funds
obtained from appropriations or any other source. Interest earned on money in the fund shall be
deposited into the fund. Any money deposited into and distributed from the fund shall be set forth
in an informational budget as described in § 4-7-7.2.".
Moved by: Rampelberg
Second by: Peterson (Jim)
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Moved by: Vehle
Second by: Olson
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (8-1-0-0)
Voting Yes: Frerichs, Peterson (Jim), Ewing, Rampelberg, Rusch, Vehle, Olson, Cammack
Voting No: Jensen (Phil)
Moved by: Frerichs
Second by: Jensen (Phil)
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Rena Ortbahn
Committee Secretary
Gary Cammack, Chair
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