Committee Agenda

Committee:    Senate Judiciary
Room:    Room 413
Date:    Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Time:    8:00 AM

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* Refer to the engrossed (amended) bill

HB 1135     establish venue for certain actions arising out of real property lease agreements.
    Representatives Jensen (Alex), Beal, Conzet, Dryden, Gibson, Gosch, Haugaard, Johns, Langer, Mickelson, Partridge, Peterson (Kent), Romkema, Schoenbeck, Stevens, Westra, and Wollmann and Senators Shorma, Brown, Curd, Haverly, Heinert, Novstrup (David), Parsley, Peters, and Rusch

HB 1129     allow a concealed pistol in the capitol and any county courthouse with an enhanced concealed pistol permit.
    Representatives Qualm, Brunner, Campbell, Craig, DiSanto, Feickert, Hunt, Klumb, Marty, Mickelson, Otten (Herman), Stalzer, Verchio, Werner, Wiik, and Wink and Senators Olson, Haggar (Jenna), Jensen (Phil), Monroe, Omdahl, and Otten (Ernie)

HB 1138*     revise provisions related to the enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol.
    Representatives Brunner, Campbell, Craig, Haugaard, Johns, Klumb, Stalzer, and Wiik and Senators Greenfield (Brock), Ewing, Monroe, Olson, and Tieszen

HCR 1009     Expressing the right of South Dakotans to own and use firearms.
    Representatives Stalzer, Beal, Brunner, Campbell, Craig, DiSanto, Haggar (Don), Harrison, Haugaard, Latterell, Marty, May, Partridge, Qualm, Rasmussen, Rounds, Steinhauer, Verchio, Wiik, Willadsen, and Zikmund and Senators Monroe, Greenfield (Brock), Haggar (Jenna), Holien, Jensen (Phil), and Olson

HB 1125*     limit the ability of a person to obtain a concealed pistol permit related to the restoration of civil rights and to declare an emergency.
    Representatives Brunner, Craig, Duvall, Feickert, Hawley, Klumb, McCleerey, Qualm, Rounds, Stalzer, and Willadsen and Senators Greenfield (Brock), Brown, Ewing, Olson, Rusch, and Tieszen

HB 1190*     enhance customer convenience in firearms transactions, improve public safety, and provide for the issuance of an additional concealed pistol permit.
    Representatives Mickelson, Gosch, Hawley, Westra, and Wink and Senators Rusch, Cammack, Frerichs, and Solano
