SB 21 define a child advocacy center for the purpose of addressing child maltreatment.
Senators Soholt, Haggar (Jenna), and Solano and Representatives Rozum and Gibson
at the request of the Jolene's Law Task Force
SB 22* add emergency medical responders to the list of mandatory reporters, and to
update cross references in the section.
Senators Soholt, Haggar (Jenna), and Solano and Representatives Rozum and Gibson
at the request of the Jolene's Law Task Force
SB 25 revise certain provisions concerning forfeiture of property interests of persons
convicted of certain crimes.
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Office of the Attorney General
SB 26* revise certain provisions concerning sex offender registration and to require an
offender to notify of intended foreign travel.
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Office of the Attorney General
SB 30 provide that Department of Corrections employees are excluded from concealed
weapons permit requirements when on duty and acting under the color of
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Corrections
SB 31 revise certain provisions regarding the sentencing and supervision of prison
inmates and parolees with suspended sentences.
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Corrections