HB 1060* revise certain provisions regarding the South Dakota Board on Geographic
Representatives Schoenbeck, Anderson, Bolin, Brunner, Campbell, Deutsch,
DiSanto, Greenfield (Lana), Klumb, Latterell, Sly, Stalzer, Verchio, Wiik, and
Zikmund and Senators Greenfield (Brock), Curd, Holien, Monroe, and Olson
HB 1065 designate the Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota in Hill City
as the official Civilian Conservation Corps Museum of South Dakota.
Representatives Verchio, Brunner, Campbell, Duvall, Feickert, Johns, Kirschman,
Klumb, Marty, McCleerey, Qualm, Schrempp, Werner, Wiik, and Zikmund and
Senators Olson, Monroe, and Novstrup (David)