HB 1143 accommodate legislation on medical services.
Representative Westra and Senator White
HB 1144 enhance South Dakota.
Representative Westra and Senator White
HB 1145 accommodate legislation relating to education in South Dakota.
Representative Westra and Senator White
HB 1234 require the approval of the Legislature before the state adopts any changes to
the Medicaid program.
Representatives Haggar (Don), Anderson, Bolin, Gosch, Heinemann (Leslie), Hunt,
Langer, Qualm, Stevens, Westra, and Wollmann and Senators Holien, Ewing, Haggar
(Jenna), Heineman (Phyllis), and Otten (Ernie)
HB 1241 revise certain provisions regarding the petition signatures required for initiated
measures and referred laws.
Representative Bolin and Senator Omdahl
HB 1247 require school districts and licensed child welfare agencies to implement a
policy and provide training regarding sexual abuse and other maltreatment of
Representatives Gosch, Anderson, Bartling, Haggar (Don), Hawley, Langer, and
Westra and Senators Greenfield (Brock), Jensen (Phil), Monroe, Olson, Omdahl, and
Van Gerpen
HJR 1001 Proposing and submitting to the electors at the next general election an
amendment to Article IV, section 3 of the Constitution of the State of South
Dakota, relating to the powers and duties of the Governor.
Representatives Latterell, Bolin, Campbell, Craig, DiSanto, Greenfield (Lana),
Marty, May, McCleerey, Qualm, Schoenbeck, Stalzer, Verchio, Wiik, and Zikmund
and Senators Jensen (Phil) and Olson
HJR 1002 To apply for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of
the United States.
Representatives Latterell, Craig, Haugaard, Heinemann (Leslie), Qualm, Stalzer, and
Wiik and Senators Curd, Heineman (Phyllis), Holien, Jensen (Phil), and Rampelberg
HCR 1014 Calling for the United States to save Christians from persecution and genocide.
Representatives Craig, Anderson, Bolin, Brunner, Campbell, DiSanto, Feickert,
Gosch, Greenfield (Lana), Haggar (Don), Haugaard, Heinemann (Leslie), Holmes,
Hunt, Klumb, Langer, Latterell, Marty, May, McCleerey, Munsterman, Partridge,
Peterson (Kent), Qualm, Rasmussen, Russell, Schoenfish, Stalzer, Tulson, Verchio,
Werner, Westra, Wiik, and Zikmund and Senators Haggar (Jenna), Curd, Greenfield
(Brock), Heineman (Phyllis), Holien, Jensen (Phil), Monroe, Novstrup (David),
Olson, and Van Gerpen