SB 162 create the State Board of Internal Control and to declare an emergency.
The Committee on Government Operations and Audit at the request of the Office of the
SB 100 enhance South Dakota.
Senators Brown, Cammack, Tidemann, and White
SB 151 lower the state sales and use tax on most food items, to increase the rate of taxation
for the sales and use tax on certain goods and services, to increase the amusement
device tax, and to increase the per student allocation in the state aid formula.
Senators Sutton, Bradford, Buhl O'Donnell, Heinert, Hunhoff (Bernie), Parsley, and
Peterson (Jim) and Representatives Hawley, Bartling, Bordeaux, Feickert, Gibson,
Hawks, Kirschman, McCleerey, Ring, Schrempp, and Soli
SB 99 accommodate legislation on Medicaid and medical services.
Senators Brown, Cammack, Tidemann, and White
SB 101 accommodate legislation relating to education in South Dakota.
Senators Brown, Cammack, Tidemann, and White
SB 124 enhance South Dakota.
Senator White and Representative Westra
SB 125 accommodate legislation relating to education in South Dakota.
Senator White and Representative Westra
SB 126 accommodate legislation on medical services.
Senator White and Representative Westra
SB 128 guarantee consumer choice.
Senator Peters and Representative Willadsen
SB 155 improve public safety.
Senators Heineman (Phyllis) and Peters and Representatives Anderson, Cronin, and