SB 141 revise the distribution of petroleum release compensation and tank inspection
fees, to provide funding for the local bridge improvement grant fund, and to
repeal the state capital construction fund, ethanol fuel fund, and ethanol
infrastructure incentive fund.
Senator Vehle and Representative Duvall
SB 135 allow overwidth farm equipment to be operated on primary highways after
sunset under certain conditions.
Senators Peterson (Jim), Frerichs, and Olson and Representatives Bartling, Feickert,
Kirschman, McCleerey, Qualm, Schoenfish, and Schrempp
SB 144 revise the legal maximum weight limits based on the number of axles for gross
vehicle weight.
Senator Frerichs and Representative Feickert
SB 109 require counties to conduct random checkpoints for overweight vehicles as a
condition of receiving funds from the bridge improvement grant fund.
Senators Vehle, Haverly, Novstrup (David), Otten (Ernie), Peterson (Jim), Shorma,
Soholt, and Tieszen and Representatives Duvall, Beal, Bolin, Feickert, Hawley,
McCleerey, Novstrup (Al), Rozum, and Verchio
SB 110 increase certain fuel excise tax rates revise certain provisions regarding motor
vehicle fuel not specifically taxed under the fuel excise tax.
Senators Vehle, Cammack, Hunhoff (Bernie), Novstrup (David), and Tieszen and
Representatives Verchio, Bolin, Klumb, Qualm, Rozum, and Schaefer