HB 1114 prohibit the state from using federal funds for state highway maps.
Representatives Bolin, Haggar (Don), Hunt, Latterell, Qualm, Stalzer, Verchio, Wiik,
and Willadsen and Senators Haggar (Jenna), Jensen (Phil), and Olson
HB 1231 authorize motor carrier inspectors to carry firearms.
Representatives Tulson, Brunner, Campbell, Feickert, Greenfield (Lana), Holmes,
Jensen (Alex), Kirschman, Marty, May, McCleerey, Otten (Herman), Partridge,
Qualm, Schaefer, Schoenfish, Solum, Stalzer, Stevens, Wiik, and Wollmann and
Senators Shorma, Frerichs, Heinert, Hunhoff (Bernie), Olson, and Peterson (Jim)
SB 34 revise certain provisions regarding the chemical testing of commercial drivers.
The Committee on Transportation at the request of the Department of Public Safety