HB 1135 establish venue for certain actions arising out of real property lease agreements.
Representatives Jensen (Alex), Beal, Conzet, Dryden, Gibson, Gosch, Haugaard,
Johns, Langer, Mickelson, Partridge, Peterson (Kent), Romkema, Schoenbeck,
Stevens, Westra, and Wollmann and Senators Shorma, Brown, Curd, Haverly,
Heinert, Novstrup (David), Parsley, Peters, and Rusch
HB 1166 revise certain provisions regarding the penalty for identity theft while using an
unauthorized credit card.
Representatives Haugaard, Bolin, DiSanto, Marty, Qualm, Rasmussen, Schoenbeck,
Steinhauer, and Westra and Senators Holien, Fiegen, Jensen (Phil), and Rusch
HB 1167 revise certain provisions regarding the use of a suspended imposition of
sentence for a misdemeanor and a felony.
Representatives Haugaard, Bolin, DiSanto, Greenfield (Lana), Marty, Qualm,
Rasmussen, Schoenbeck, Steinhauer, Werner, and Wiik and Senators Holien, Jensen
(Phil), and Monroe
HB 1192 prohibit certain inquiries during a public employment application process about
an applicant's criminal history and to provide a penalty for a violation thereof.
Representatives McCleerey, Bartling, Feickert, Kirschman, Ring, and Schrempp and
Senator Peterson (Jim)
HB 1193 prohibit certain inquiries about criminal records during any initial employment
application process and to provide a penalty for a violation thereof.
Representatives McCleerey, Bartling, Feickert, Kirschman, Ring, and Schrempp and
Senator Peterson (Jim)