P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Bartling
P Bolin
P Haggar (Don)
P Hawley
P Langer
P Mickelson
P Munsterman
P Solum
P Stevens
P Verchio
P Wink
P Westra, Vice-Chair
P Gosch, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Representative Gosch.
Moved by: Westra
Second by: Hawley
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
HB 1125: limit the ability of a person to obtain a concealed pistol permit related to the
restoration of civil rights.
Presented by: Representative Brunner
Proponents: Richard Tieszen, South Dakota Sheriff's Association (Handout: 1)
Paul Bachand, States Attorney Association
" Section 2. Whereas, this Act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace,
health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Act shall be in full force and
effect from and after its passage and approval.".
" Section 3. That § 23-7-56 be amended to read:
23-7-56. The holder of the permit may renew the permit through the sheriff of the county where
the holder resides for a period beginning ninety days before the permit expires and ending thirty days
after expiration of the permit, if the holder pays the fifty dollar renewal fee and passes a National
Instant Criminal Background Check. If the holder of the enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol
does not renew the permit within thirty days of expiration of the permit, the holder must reapply for
an enhanced permit to carry a concealed pistol pursuant to § 23-7-53. The renewal fee shall be
distributed fifty percent to the sheriff and fifty percent to the secretary of state to be used by the
secretary of state to administer the concealed carry program. ".
Colleen Hunt