P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Hunhoff (Bernie)
P Peterson (Jim)
P Tidemann
P Jensen (Phil), Vice-Chair
P Rampelberg, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Sen. Qualm.
Informational Briefing:
Rob Wylie, Executive Director, South Dakota Retirement System discussed the financial status of
the retirement system. Doug Fiddler and Paul Schrader gave detailed information on the Annual
Funded Status Report.
SB 13: establish a new retirement benefit structure for certain public employees who are
members of the South Dakota Retirement System.
Presented by: Rob Wylie, Executive Director, South Dakota Retirement System (Handouts: No. 1,
Proponents: Doug Fiddler, South Dakota Retirement System
Jacque Storm, South Dakota Retirement System
Matt Clark, South Dakota Investment Company
Moved by: Hunhoff (Bernie)
Second by: Jensen (Phil)
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (5-0-0-0)