th Legislative Session _ 2015
Committee: 69 A 03/12/2015 4:00:00 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2015
P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Bolin
P Hawley
P Mickelson, Chair
P Solano
P Bradford
P Otten (Ernie), Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Senator Otten (Ernie).
SB 69: revise certain provisions regarding elections and election petitions.
Shantel Krebs, Secretary of State, explained the changes in the amendment.
On page 1, line 10, of the House engrossed bill, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 1, line 12, delete "first".
On page 1, line 13, delete "received".
On page 2, line 12, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 2, line 14, delete "received".
On page 2, line 24, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 5, line 1, delete "pursuant to subdivision 121-1-3(10)".
On page 5, line 2, delete everything before "candidate" and insert "nominating an independent
or a nonpolitical".
On page 5, line 3, after "." insert "The provisions of this section do not prohibit a person
registered with a recognized political party from signing a petition nominating a nonpolitical
candidate for office.".
On page 5, line 15, after "number of" insert "registered".
On page 6, line 8, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 6, line 11, delete "received".
On page 6, line 15, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 6, line 20, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 7, line 8, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 3, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 5, delete "received".
On page 8, line 10, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 22, delete "received".
On page 9, line 12, delete "received".
On page 10, line 7, delete "first".
On page 10, line 8, delete "received".
On page 11, line 4, delete "received".
On page 11, line 18, after "affiliation" insert "and voters registered as other".
On page 13, between lines 13 and 14, insert:
"Independent candidate," any registered voter who is a candidate for office. An independent
candidate does not include any registered voter who is nominated as a political candidate of a
recognized party;".
On page 13, after line 15, insert:
" Section 23. That § 12-8-6 be amended to read as follows:
12-8-6. Nominations byA party committee to may fill vacancies occurring in nominations a
vacancy created by a nomination made in a primary elections and certificates of election. The party
committee shall certify the nomination to be filed with the secretary of state and those to be filed
with the or the county auditor shall be filed not later than the second Tuesday in August at five p.m.
or mailed by registered mail by that date and time prior to the election. ".
Moved by: Solano
Second by: Mickelson
Action: Was not acted on.
On page 1, line 10, of the House engrossed bill, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 1, line 12, delete "first".
On page 1, line 13, delete "received".
On page 2, line 12, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 2, line 14, delete "received".
On page 2, line 24, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 5, line 1, delete "pursuant to subdivision 121-1-3(10)".
On page 5, line 2, delete everything before "candidate" and insert "nominating an independent
or a nonpolitical".
On page 5, line 3, after "." insert "
The provisions of this section do not prohibit a person
registered with a recognized political party from signing a petition nominating a nonpolitical
candidate for office.".
On page 5, line 15, after "number of" insert "registered".
On page 6, line 8, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 6, line 11, delete "received".
On page 6, line 15, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 6, line 20, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 7, line 8, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 3, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 5, delete "received".
On page 8, line 10, delete "third" and insert "first".
On page 8, line 22, delete "received".
On page 9, line 12, delete "received".
On page 10, line 7, delete "first".
On page 10, line 8, delete "received".
On page 11, line 4, delete "received".
On page 11, line 18, after "affiliation" insert "and voters registered as other".
On page 13, between lines 13 and 14, insert:
"Independent candidate," any registered voter who is not registered as a member of a recognized
political party and who is a candidate for office;".
On page 13, after line 15, insert:
" Section 23. That § 12-8-6 be amended to read as follows:
12-8-6. Nominations byA party committee to may fill vacancies occurring in nominations a
vacancy created by a nomination made in a primary elections and certificates of election. The party
committee shall certify the nomination to be filed with the secretary of state and those to be filed
with the or the county auditor shall be filed not later than the second Tuesday in August at five p.m.
or mailed by registered mail by that date and time prior to the election. ".
Moved by: Solano
Second by: Mickelson
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (5-1-0-0)
Voting Yes: Bolin, Mickelson, Solano, Bradford, Otten (Ernie)
Voting No: Hawley
On page 3, line 11, of the House engrossed bill delete everything after "sheet." .
On page 3, delete line 12.
On page 3, line 13, delete "general election, the" and insert "The".
On page 3, line 16, delete everything after "." .
On page 3, delete lines 17 to 21, inclusive.
On page 3, line 23, delete everything after "§ 12-6-7" .
On page 3, line 24, delete everything before "a nominating" .
On page 4, line 4, delete everything after "less." .
On page 4, delete lines 5 to 7, inclusive.
On page 4, line 8, delete everything before "The" .
On page 5, line 15, delete everything after "other," .
On page 5, line 16, delete everything before "at" .
On page 13, after line 15, insert:
" Section 23. That § 12-5-1.4 be amended to read as follows:
12-5-1.4. If a political party qualifies for the primary ballot under § 12-5-1, each candidate
intending to participate in a primary election shall file a nominating petition pursuant to § 12-6-4.
In each primary election following the qualification of a political party and prior to the next
gubernatorial election, each:
(1) State and federal candidate for that party shall file a petition bearing signatures of at least
not less than two hundred fifty registered voters in that party or not less than one percent
of the registered voters having no party affiliation including any registered voters of the
new political party and voters registered as other in the state at the last general election;
(2) Legislative and county candidate for that party shall file a petition bearing signatures of
at least five registered voters in that party not less than fifty voters in that party or not less
than one percent of the registered voters having no party affiliation including any
registered voters of the new political party and voters registered as other in that county or
district. ".
Moved by: Bolin
Second by: Solano
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (6-0-0-0)
Voting Yes: Bolin, Hawley, Mickelson, Solano, Bradford, Otten (Ernie)
Moved by: Mickelson
Second by: Bolin
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (5-1-0-0)
Voting Yes: Bolin, Mickelson, Solano, Bradford, Otten (Ernie)
Voting No: Hawley
Moved by: Mickelson
Second by: Bolin
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Lois Henry
Committee Secretary
Ernie Otten, Chair
Page 1