1228B 100th Legislative Session 1228
Introduced by: Representative Hughes
An Act to
the need for
environmental impact
applicants seeking a
carbon dioxide transmission facility
permit from the Public Utilities Commission of the State of South
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:
Section 1. That § 49-41B-12 be AMENDED:
At the time of
filing an application as required in § 49-41B-11,
an applicant
shall deposit
the minimum fee with the commission. If required by the commission,
an applicant must remit an amount to be determined by the commission
based upon the actual cost of investigating, reviewing, processing,
and serving notice of an application. The amount must be deposited
with the state treasurer and credited to a subfund within the
designated revenue fund and may only be disbursed on vouchers
approved by the commission for the actual cost of investigating,
reviewing, processing, and serving notice of the application. Except
as otherwise
provided in this section or
agreed to by an applicant, the maximum fee chargeable may not exceed
one-quarter one-half
of one percent of the first one hundred million dollars of estimated
construction cost plus one-twentieth of one percent of all additional
estimated construction costs of the facility. To exceed the maximum
fee when the applicant has not agreed to a fee higher than the
maximum amount, the commission
shall make a
finding upon a motion from the commission staff that all costs
incurred were reasonably necessary to investigate, review, process,
and serve notice of the application. In these circumstances, the
shall seek
reimbursement for those costs, during the next regular legislative
session. However, the minimum total fee chargeable may not be less
than twenty thousand dollars. The minimum fee is nonrefundable unless
ordered by the commission.
the commission determines that an environmental impact statement
should be prepared as provided under chapter 34A-9
before taking final action on an application under this chapter, the
maximum fee chargeable above may be increased to an amount not to
exceed one-half of one percent of the first one hundred million
dollars of estimated construction cost plus one-twentieth of one
percent of all additional estimated construction costs of the
facility. However, the provisions of this paragraph do not apply in
cases in which a The
maximum fee chargeable may not exceed one-quarter of one percent of
the first one hundred million dollars of estimated construction cost
plus one-twentieth of one percent of all additional estimated
construction costs of the facility if:
(1) A
environment impact study has been completed pursuant to the
requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
as amended to January 1, 2009,
42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq. (January 1, 2025),
and implementing regulations thereto
if such a;
(2) An environmental impact statement that complies with the provisions of chapter 34A-9 is available to the commission, at least thirty days prior to the time the commission is required to render a decision under § 49-41B-24 or 49-41B-25; or
(3) In cases in which an environmental impact statement is permissive, pursuant to § 49-41B-21, the commission elects not to prepare or require the preparation of an environmental impact statement.
The provisions of this section apply to all pending permit applications and future permit applications before the commission.
Section 2. That § 49-41B-21 be AMENDED:
49-41B-21. Prior to the issuance of a permit for a carbon dioxide transmission facility as defined in § 49-41B-2, the commission must prepare or require the preparation of an environmental impact statement that complies with the provisions of chapter 34A-9 and is made available to the public on the commission website. In all other cases, the commission may prepare or require the preparation of an environmental impact statement that complies with the provisions of chapter 34A-9.
For purposes of this chapter, the provisions of 34A-9 apply to any permit application by a public or private applicant for issuance of a permit for a carbon dioxide transmission facility.
Section 3. That § 49-41B-22.1 be AMENDED:
contained herein shall prohibit
in this section prohibits
an applicant from reapplying for a permit previously denied pursuant
to § 49-41B-24
or 49-41B-25
within three years from the date of the denial of the original
permit. Upon the first
reapplication, the applicant shall have the burden of proof to
establish only those criteria upon which the original permit was
denied, provided that nothing in the reapplication materially changes
the information presented in the original application regarding those
criteria upon which the original permit was not denied.
However, nothing contained in this provision shall prohibit the
Public Utilities Commission
Nothing in this section prohibits the commission
from requiring
the applicant
to meet
the burden of
proof as to any criteria, upon a specific finding by the commission
of a material change in the circumstances regarding those criteria,
but the
Public Utilities Commission shall
commission may
not, in any event, prepare or require the preparation of
a new
environmental impact statement.
Underscores indicate new language.
indicate deleted language.