179A 100th Legislative Session 179
Introduced by: Senator Wheeler
An Act to modify requirements for off-road vehicle dealers at special events.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:
Section 1. That § 32-6B-88 be AMENDED:
any other provisions of this chapter,
an off-road vehicle dealer is not required to purchase a permit or
license to attend any two-day
temporary special event location in the county or adjoining the
county the dealer is located in
outside the county where the dealer's principal place of business is
located, provided no other dealer representing the same franchise is
located in the county where the event is held. The off-road dealer
must be licensed in this state.
Any fees or taxes imposed by this title do not apply to any off-road
vehicle dealer attending any two-day
temporary special event location pursuant to this section
a vehicle dealer licensed under this chapter may apply to the
department for a special permit to sell or offer to sell an off-road
vehicle at an event located outside the county where the dealer’s
principal place of business is located, if:
(1) The event does not exceed seven days;
(2) The dealer has a franchise for the off-road vehicle; and
(3) No dealer in the county where the event is located has a franchise for the same make of the off-road vehicle.
The dealer shall apply for the permit on a form provided by the department. The dealer shall submit the application to the department at least twenty days before the event. If the application satisfies the requirements of this section, the department shall issue a special permit to the dealer. The dealer is not required to pay a fee for the permit.
The dealer shall prominently display the permit during the event.
Underscores indicate new language.
indicate deleted language.