On page 1, line 16, of the Introduced bill, after "program" insert " implemented by the district in which the student was previously enrolled"
On page 1, line 17, of the Introduced bill, delete " do not agree to" and insert " member does not"
On page 1, line 22, of the Introduced bill, delete ", and shall provide the school district with a copy of the student's current section 504 plan, individualized family service plan, or individualized education program" and insert ". The school district shall accept unofficial records provided by the student's parent or guardian pending validation by the official records, pursuant to § 13-53E-1(IV)(A). When the student is enrolled and receives conditional placement, the school district shall take reasonable steps to request the student's official education record from the district in which the student was previously enrolled, pursuant to § 13-53E-1(IV)(B)"