1054B 100th Legislative Session 1054
Introduced by: Representative Novstrup
An Act to
volunteer chaplains to serve in
public schools
to authorize an individual to volunteer or be employed as a school
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:
Section 1. That a NEW SECTION be added to chapter 13-8:
The board of each school district shall implement a policy that authorizes an individual to volunteer or be employed as a school chaplain. The policy must describe the process by which an individual applies to volunteer or be employed as a school chaplain, the minimum qualifications the applicant must have to volunteer or be employed as a school chaplain, and the service or support that an individual volunteering or employed as a school chaplain may provide. The board must publish on the school district's website the list of individuals volunteering or employed as school chaplains and the religious affiliation of each individual.
The policy adopted by the board may not require or compel a student to participate in or receive any service or support provided by an individual volunteering or employed as a school chaplain.
The policy adopted by the board may not allow an individual volunteering or employed as a school chaplain to have any disciplinary or supervisory authority over any student or student group.
An individual who applies to volunteer or be employed as a school chaplain shall submit to the same criminal background investigation required of an individual hired by a school district pursuant to § 13-10-12.
A school district may not allow an individual to volunteer or be employed as a school chaplain if the individual has been convicted of:
(1) A crime involving moral turpitude, as defined in § 22-1-2;
(2) A crime of violence, as defined in § 22-1-2;
(3) A sex offense, as defined in § 22-24B-1; or
(4) Trafficking in narcotics.
Underscores indicate new language.
indicate deleted language.