On page 1, line 17, of the Introduced bill, after "days" delete " before the election"
On page 3, line 7, of the Introduced bill, after "days" delete " before the next election"
On page 3, line 31, of the Introduced bill, after "documents;
(5)" delete " The number of the individual's certificate of naturalization;"
On page 3, line 32, of the Introduced bill, after "naturalization;" delete "(6)"
On page 4, line 1, of the Introduced bill, delete "(7)" and insert "(6)"
On page 4, line 3, of the Introduced bill, after "number." delete "An individual who provides only the number of the individual's certificate of naturalization may not be included in the voter registration file until the county auditor verifies the number on the certificate of naturalization with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The county auditor shall inform the individual applying to register as a voter that the documentation provided by the individual is retained as a part of the individual's permanent voter file.
On page 5, after line 15, of the Introduced bill, insert: "
Section 8. That § 12-4-5.3 be AMENDED:
12-4-5.3. When
a voter registration application is received by the county auditor,
the county auditor or an individual designated by the county auditor
review the application for eligibility and completeness. If the
applicant is not eligible to be registered or
sufficient information to complete the registration card cannot be
obtained from the applicant, the county auditor must send an
acknowledgment notice by nonforwardable mail to the applicant
indicating the reason the registration was not filed. The
acknowledgment notice must state that the applicant
needs to
submit the corrected information to the county auditor within thirty
days or the voter registration form may not be processed.
If the county auditor is unable to obtain sufficient information to complete the applicant's card from the voter registration application that was submitted between thirty and sixty days before the election, the acknowledgment notice must state that the applicant has until the day fifteen days before the date of the election to submit the corrected information to the county auditor.
The county auditor shall send an acknowledgment notice by nonforwardable mail to the applicant whose registration is accepted.
The State Board of Elections shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, prescribing the form of the acknowledgement notice. The same confirmation mailing required by § 12-4-19 must be sent immediately to any person whose registration acknowledgment notice is returned undeliverable. A notice sent pursuant to this section must be mailed within five business days of the auditor receiving the voter registration application"
On page 5, after line 15, of the Introduced bill, insert: "
Section 9. That § 12-4-6.1 be AMENDED:
12-4-6.1. A
shall be considered to be
effective on the date
that the
card is received by the county auditor.
However, if the card
If an application
was completed at one of the agencies listed in § 12-4-2,
is received by the auditor within five days following any
registration deadline and is dated by the deadline, the card shall be
considered to be
the voter's registration is
effective on the date
which it
that the application
was signed at the agency
if the application is:
(1) Received by the auditor within five days following a voter registration deadline; and
(2) Dated by the voter registration deadline.
a card
an application
does not contain all of the information required by the form
prescribed pursuant to § 12-4-6 or if the card contains
that is
not correct, it shall be considered to be effective on the date all
of the correct, required information is supplied to the county
in accordance with § 12-4-5.3."
On page 6, line 8, of the Introduced bill, after "file." delete "Section 9. That § 12-4-12 be AMENDED:"
On page 6, line 9, of the Introduced bill, after "AMENDED:" delete "12-4-12. "
On page 6, line 9, of the Introduced bill, after "12-4-12. " delete "Any new registrant previously registered elsewhere shall be required to sign an authorization which shall be forwarded by the registration official to the auditor of the county of former registration, or other appropriate registration official, who shall remove the registrant's name from the registration fileIf an individual applying to register as a voter was previously registered as a voter in another precinct, the individual must sign a statement authorizing the appropriate registration official having jurisdiction over the precinct where the individual was previously registered to remove the individual from the voter registration file of that jurisdiction. Upon receipt of the completed voter registration application, the county auditor shall forward a copy of the statement to the registration official."