Dean Wink Speaker Pro tempore |
Arlene Kvislen Chief Clerk |
HB 1045* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 597) repeal the lower rate of tax imposed
on income over four hundred million dollars for the bank franchise tax.
revise certain provisions regarding alternative apportionment methods available for
determination of the bank franchise tax.
HB 1098* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 597, 654) increase the bonding limit for
the four technical institutes.
provide for bonding authorization for the postsecondary technical institutes and to
authorize bonds for lease purchase agreements with Western Dakota Technical
Institute and Southeast Technical Institute.
require the Legislature to approve bonds for lease purchase agreements with the four
postsecondary technical institutes, and to approve bonds for lease purchase
agreements with Western Dakota Technical Institute and Southeast Technical
HB 1233* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 596) facilitate the provision of voluntary
medical services to the disadvantaged under certain circumstances.
grant limited immunity for the provision of voluntary medical services under certain
HB 1234* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 575, 650) provide a limited exception to
the provisions that exempt sport shooting ranges from the public nuisance laws and
to declare an emergency.
SB 39 establish a penalty for a juvenile convicted as an adult of a Class A or B felony and
allow a sentence of up to life imprisonment after a sentencing hearing.
HC 1057 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Captain Dale Goetz.
HC 1058 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Senior Airman Michael Hinkle II.
HC 1059 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Sergeant Israel Paul O'Bryan.
HC 1060 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Staff Sergeant Lex Lewis.
HC 1061 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Staff Sergeant Shane Barnard.
HC 1062 (HJ 34th LD) Posthumously honoring Sergeant Eduviges Guadalupe Wolf.
HC 1063 (HJ 34th LD) Recognizing the fortieth anniversary of the 1973 occupation of
Wounded Knee.
HC 1064 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring Ray Slaba for his contributions to education in South Dakota.
HC 1065 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring and commending Bryan and Laura Klock and the staff at
Klock Werks for their selfless commitment to their fellow man.
HC 1066 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring Sierra Lutz as the recipient of a 2013 Prudential Spirit of
Community Award.
HC 1067 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring Hartman Katz, Reagan Francom, and Matt Halter of the
Huron High School Wrestling Team for participating in the 2013 State Class A
Wrestling Tournament.
HC 1068 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring and commending Pace Douglas Clayton for his military
service to the United States of America.
HC 1069 (HJ 34th LD) Commending and Honoring Marcelline J. Lesmeister for her service to
the people of the State of South Dakota.
HC 1070 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring the memory of Milo Smith.
HC 1071 (HJ 34th LD) Honoring T.F. Riggs High School Wrestling Team of Pierre, South
Dakota, for an excellent season and for its victorious performance at the 2013 Class
A State Wrestling Tournament.
SB 5 establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the
funding of postsecondary education, and to create the Council on Higher Education
Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the
funding of higher education, and to create the Council on Higher Education Policy
Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
House Committee: Munsterman, Novstrup, Parsley
Senate Committee: Olson, White, Lucas
SB 147 revise certain provisions relating to domestic abuse and protection orders.
House Committee: Lust, Stevens, Heinert
Senate Committee: Tieszen, Peters, Lucas
HB 1214 provide medical care for certain unborn children.
expand Medicaid eligibility for pregnant women and to make an appropriation
House Committee: Hansen, Hunhoff (Bernie), Westra
Senate Committee: Hunhoff (Jean), Peters, Sutton