Dean Wink Speaker Pro tempore |
Arlene Kvislen Chief Clerk |
HB 1075* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 550) revise the membership of the
Legislative Planning Committee.
HB 1087* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 551, 609, 610) provide for the creation of
school sentinel programs and for the training of school sentinels.
HB 1126* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 551) repeal the massage therapy licensing
requirements and regulatory board.
Revise the massage therapy licensing requirements.
HB 1144* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 556) permit the euthanization of wildlife
that have been seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents.
HB 1163* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 614) revise certain provisions related to
the filing of the certificate of limited partnerships.
HB 1208* (Consideration of Senate Amendments; SJ 543, 607, 608) prohibit the release of
medical waste and to provide a penalty therefor.
Amended HJ 32nd LD: SB 143, 51
* Amended
SB 154* revise the maximum weight allowed on certain wide-based super single tires.
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
SB 166 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) revise the number of years that permits to carry a
concealed weapon are valid.
SB 106* (Placed by Motion) prohibit certain minors from using wireless communication
devices while operating motor vehicles upon the public highways.
SB 199* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) exempt all property used for educational purposes from
Exempt certain property used for educational purposes from taxation.
SB 10 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the
construction of swine teaching and research facilities at South Dakota State
University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 11 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the
construction of an indoor practice and human performance facility on the campus of
South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 59* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) prohibit the disposal of certain oil and gas field wastes.
SB 216* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) establish a state-wide driver education program.
Establish a state-wide driver education program and make an appropriation therefor.
SB 180* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) amend certain provisions relating to the publication of
payroll information.
SB 66* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) revise the style and form of certain provisions, to amend
certain provisions to streamline and clarify, and to repeal certain obsolete and
unnecessary provisions pertaining to the Real Estate Commission.
SB 111 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) amend provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code
relating to electronic funds transfers and to declare an emergency.
SB 153* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) clarify, remove inconsistencies from, and revise certain
provisions relating to the formation and operation of watershed districts.
SB 158 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) provide for the funding of educational programs for
children in residential treatment centers, intensive residential treatment centers, or
licensed group care centers.
SB 17* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) make an appropriation from the coordinated natural
resources conservation fund to the State Conservation Commission.
SB 31* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) make an appropriation for the construction of a
maintenance building and to authorize the razing of three buildings at the STAR
Academy in Custer County.
SB 194 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) extend the sunset date for certain expenditures from a
school district's capital outlay fund.
SB 223 (Deferred from the 32nd LD) clarify the open meetings requirement as applied to the
Public Utilities Commission.
SB 200* revise certain provisions concerning campaign finance.
SB 55* (Deferred from the 32nd LD) make certain form and style changes regarding the bank
franchise tax.
HC 1027 (HJ 32nd LD) Honoring Hannah Higdon of Dupree, South Dakota, as a distinguished
finalist for a Prudential Spirit of Community Award.
HC 1028 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Staff Sergeant Cory Brooks.
HC 1029 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Private First Class Sheldon Hawk Eagle.
HC 1030 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Lance Corporal Jeremy Bohlman.
HC 1031 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Captain Christopher Soelzer.
HC 1032 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Chief Warrant Officer Two Scott Saboe.
HC 1033 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Sergeant Jeremiah Boehmer.
HC 1034 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Sergeant Allen Kokesh, Jr.
HC 1035 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Corporal Brett Lundstrom.
HC 1036 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Staff Sergeant Bryan Berky.
HC 1037 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Specialist Dennis Jensen.
HC 1038 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Staff Sergeant LeRoy Webster.
HC 1039 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Specialist Patrick Herried.
HC 1040 (HJ 32nd LD) Posthumously honoring Sergeant Dennis Morgan.
SC 20 (SJ 31st LD) Commending and honoring the White River Tigers Boys Gold Team
on being champions of the 2012 Boys State Class B Golf Tournament.