
On page 1, line 20, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, after "county." delete "The director may shall make an adjustment to a parcel pursuant to § 10-6-131.


On page 2, line 6, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, delete " to the extent that " and insert " if "

On page 2, line 24, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, delete "The director shall" and insert "Upon receiving a request from a property owner, the director must examine the property to"

On page 2, line 25, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, after "land" insert the period

On page 2, line 25, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, delete "pursuant to" and insert "If the actual use of any of the property owner's agricultural land varies from the land use category specified by soil classification standards or if one or more of"

On page 2, line 26, of the House Taxation Engrossed bill, after "section" insert " affect the productivity of the property owner's agricultural land, the director must adjust the assessed value of the land"