The prayer was offered by the Chaplain, Pastor Karl Kroger, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance led by House page Rosalyn Rasmussen.
Roll Call: All members present except. Rep. Carson who was excused.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Chief Clerk of the
House has had under consideration the House Journal of the twenty-ninth day.
In the House Journal of the twenty-eighth day the following correction should be made:
On page 510, delete lines 9 and 10.
HB 1117 was inadvertently not signed on that day.
All additional errors, typographical or otherwise, are duly marked in the temporary journal
for correction.
And we hereby move the adoption of the report.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources respectfully reports that it has had
under consideration SB 6 and 115 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bills
do pass.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources respectfully reports that it has had
under consideration SB 74 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass
and be placed on the consent calendar.
The Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources respectfully reports that it has had
under consideration SB 59 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be
amended as follows:
The Committee on Taxation respectfully reports that it has had under consideration SB 199
and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.
The Committee on Transportation respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 106 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.
The Committee on Transportation respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 216 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended as follows:
" Section 3.There is hereby appropriated from the general fund the sum of fifty thousand
dollars ($50,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, to the Department of Public Safety
to be used for the driver education program as set forth in section 1 of this Act.
Section 4. The secretary of public safety shall approve vouchers and the state auditor shall
draw warrants to pay expenditures authorized by this Act.
Section 5. Any amounts appropriated in this Act not lawfully expended or obligated by
June 30, 2014, shall revert in accordance with the procedures prescribed in chapter 4-8.".
The Committee on Transportation respectfully reports that it has had under consideration
SB 105 and 107 which were deferred to the 41st Legislative Day.
The Committee on Local Government respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 130 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill do pass.
The Committee on Local Government respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 180 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be amended
as follows:
The Committee on Local Government respectfully reports that it has had under
consideration SB 155 and returns the same with the recommendation that said bill be referred
to the Committee on Appropriations.
I have the honor to return herewith HB 1048 and 1058 which have been amended by the
Senate and your concurrence in the amendments is respectfully requested.
I have the honor to return herewith HB 1019, 1020, 1028, 1038, 1057, 1079, 1081, 1082,
1101, 1118, 1141, 1158, and 1180 which have passed the Senate without change.
Rep. Lust moved that the reports of the Standing Committees on
Commerce and Energy on SB 84 as found on page 512 of the House Journal; also
Judiciary on SB 174 as found on page 513 of the House Journal be adopted.
Which motion prevailed.
SB 71: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to correct the name of a postsecondary
institution authorized to provide educational programs in South Dakota, and to revise the
requirements for an institution seeking such authorization.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 71 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 68, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Carson; Lust
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 7: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
registration of a place of business with the Real Estate Commission.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 7 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Carson; Lust
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 65: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain exemptions from licensure by
the Real Estate Commission.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 65 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 68, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Carson; Lust
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 189: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make appropriations from the water and
environment fund, the water pollution control revolving fund subfund, and the drinking water
revolving fund subfund for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 189 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 3, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller; Munsterman;
Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring;
Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum;
Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer;
Speaker Gosch
Kaiser; Latterell; Nelson
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 190: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make an appropriation to fund tax refunds
for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to revise the income eligibility requirements
for property and sales tax refunds, and to declare an emergency.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 190 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 69, Nays 0, Excused 1, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 4: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to require the Department of Labor and
Regulation to determine certain job placement outcomes for graduates of all public
postsecondary education institutions in the state.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 4 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 62, Nays 6, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund; Erickson;
Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek; Hansen; Hawks; Hawley;
Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Killer; Kirschman;
Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; Miller; Munsterman; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten
(Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer;
Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio;
Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Bolin; Greenfield; Kaiser; May; Nelson; Russell
Carson; Mickelson
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 80 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 68, Nays 0, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Miller; Munsterman;
Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm;
Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly;
Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink;
Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Carson; Mickelson
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 5: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish the public purpose and goals of
postsecondary education, to provide for the funding of higher education, and to create the
Council on Higher Education Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 5 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 60, Nays 9, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund; Erickson;
Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek; Hansen; Hawks; Hawley;
Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Killer; Kirschman;
Kopp; Lust; Magstadt; Mickelson; Miller; Munsterman; Nelson; Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman);
Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick;
Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Bolin; Greenfield; Kaiser; Latterell; May; Novstrup (David); Rounds; Russell; Steele
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 39: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish a penalty for a juvenile convicted
as an adult of a Class A or B felony and allow a sentence of up to life imprisonment after a
sentencing hearing.
Was read the second time.
" Section 3. That § 24-15A-32 be amended to read as follows:
24-15A-32. Each inmate sentenced to a penitentiary term, except those under a sentence of
life or death, or an indeterminate sentence which is not yet set to a term of years by the board
or determined to be ineligible for parole as authorized in § 24-15A-32.1, shall have an initial
parole date set by the department. This date shall be calculated by applying the percentage
indicated in the following grid to the full term of the inmate's sentence pursuant to § 22-6-1. The
following crimes or an attempt to commit, or a conspiracy to commit, or a solicitation to
commit, any of the following crimes shall be considered a violent crime for purposes of setting
an initial parole date: murder, manslaughter, rape, aggravated assault, riot, robbery, burglary in
the first degree or burglary in the second degree if committed before July 1, 2006, arson,
kidnapping, felony sexual contact as defined in §§ 22-22-7 and 22-22-19.1, child abuse, felony
sexual contact as defined in § 22-22-7.2, felony stalking as defined in §§ 22-19A-2 and
22-19A-3, photographing a child in an obscene act, felony assault as defined in § 22-18-26,
felony simple assault as defined in § 22-18-1, commission of a felony while armed as defined
in §§ 22-14-12 and 22-14-13.1, discharging a firearm at an occupied structure or motor vehicle
as defined in § 22-14-20, discharging a firearm from a moving vehicle as defined in § 22-14-21,
criminal pedophilia as defined in § 22-22-30.1, threatening to commit a sexual offense as
defined in § 22-22-45, abuse or neglect of a disabled adult as defined in § 22-46-2, and
aggravated incest as defined in §§ 22-22A-3 and 22-22A-3.1:
Felony Convictions
Felony Class
Nonviolent | |||
Class 6 | .25 | .30 | .40 |
Class 5 | .25 | .35 | .40 |
Class 4 | .25 | .35 | .40 |
Class 3 | .30 | .40 | .50 |
Class 2 | .30 | .40 | .50 |
Class 1 | .35 | .40 | .50 |
Class C | .35 | .40 | .50 |
Class 6 | .35 | .45 | .55 |
Class 5 | .40 | .50 | .60 |
Class 4 | .40 | .50 | .65 |
Class 3 | .50 | .60 | .70 |
Class 2 | .50 | .65 | .75 |
Class 1 | .50 | .65 | .75 |
Class C | .50 | .65 | .75 |
Class B | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
Class A | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
The question being "Shall SB 39 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 2, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek; Hansen; Hawks;
Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Kaiser;
Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller; Munsterman; Nelson;
Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring;
Romkema; Rounds; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele;
Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Greenfield; Latterell
Carson; Rozum
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 139 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 67, Nays 1, Excused 2, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly;
Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink;
Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Carson; Rozum
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 168: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to require that newborns be screened for
congenital heart defects.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 168 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 64, Nays 5, Excused 1, Absent 0
Greenfield; Kaiser; May; Rounds; Russell
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 205: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to authorize the hunting of wolves in certain
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 205 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 60, Nays 9, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek; Hansen; Hawley;
Heinemann (Leslie); Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Kaiser; Kopp; Latterell; Lust;
Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller; Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty);
Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Russell;
Schaefer; Schoenfish; Sly; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner;
Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Feinstein; Gibson; Hawks; Heinert; Killer; Kirschman; Rozum; Schrempp; Soli
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 1 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 69, Nays 0, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Lust moved that SB 83 be placed to follow SB 227 on today's calendar.
Which motion prevailed.
SB 89: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to limit the liability of retail dealers in
petroleum products under certain conditions.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 89 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 66, Nays 3, Excused 1, Absent 0
Hansen; Latterell; Verchio
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 43: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
crossing of a railroad and to revise the penalty for certain railroad crossing violations by the
driver of a commercial motor vehicle.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 43 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 52, Nays 17, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Conzet; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund; Erickson; Feickert;
Feinstein; Gibson; Haggar (Don); Hajek; Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie);
Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Killer; Kirschman; Lust; Magstadt;
Mickelson; Munsterman; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Ring; Romkema; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stevens;
Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wink; Wismer
Campbell; Craig; Greenfield; Haggar (Jenna); Kaiser; Kopp; Latterell; May; Miller; Nelson;
Rasmussen; Rounds; Russell; Stalzer; Steele; Wick; Speaker Gosch
SB 120: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise provisions related to consent to
sexual activity.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 120 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 65, Nays 4, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek; Hansen; Hawks;
Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie); Johns; Killer;
Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller; Munsterman; Nelson;
Novstrup (David); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema;
Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Steele; Stevens;
Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
Greenfield; Kaiser; Olson (Betty); Stalzer
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Lust moved that SB 119 be placed to follow SB 55 on today's calendar.
Which motion prevailed.
Which motion prevailed.
SB 117: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for an expedited endorsement of
certain licenses, certificates, registrations, and permits for spouses of active duty military
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 117 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 69, Nays 0, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 146: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to provide for the collection of certain gaming
taxes, penalties, and interest and to declare an emergency.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 146 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 68, Nays 1, Excused 1, Absent 0
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the members-elect, the Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 204: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the
deposit and expenditure of tobacco settlement revenues and bond proceeds.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 204 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 67, Nays 2, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson; Qualm;
Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Schaefer; Schoenfish; Schrempp; Sly; Soli;
Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra; Wick; Wink; Wismer;
Speaker Gosch
Nelson; Russell
SB 64: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise provisions regarding broker price
opinions, comparative market analyses, and appraisals.
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 64 pass?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 69, Nays 0, Excused 1, Absent 0
Bartling; Bolin; Cammack; Campbell; Conzet; Craig; Cronin; Dryden; Duvall; Ecklund;
Erickson; Feickert; Feinstein; Gibson; Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Haggar (Jenna); Hajek;
Hansen; Hawks; Hawley; Heinemann (Leslie); Heinert; Hickey; Hoffman; Hunhoff (Bernie);
Johns; Kaiser; Killer; Kirschman; Kopp; Latterell; Lust; Magstadt; May; Mickelson; Miller;
Munsterman; Nelson; Novstrup (David); Olson (Betty); Otten (Herman); Parsley; Peterson;
Qualm; Rasmussen; Ring; Romkema; Rounds; Rozum; Russell; Schaefer; Schoenfish;
Schrempp; Sly; Soli; Solum; Stalzer; Steele; Stevens; Tulson; Tyler; Verchio; Werner; Westra;
Wick; Wink; Wismer; Speaker Gosch
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
SB 133: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish a pharmacy audit integrity
Was read the second time.
The question being "Shall SB 133 pass as amended?"
And the roll being called:
Yeas 64, Nays 5, Excused 1, Absent 0
Greenfield; Haggar (Don); Kaiser; Latterell; Verchio
So the bill having received an affirmative vote of a majority of the members-elect, the
Speaker declared the bill passed and the title was agreed to.
Rep. Lust moved that the balance of the calendar including SB 198, 223, 227, 83, 147, 10,
11, 158, 17, 166, 31, 194, 34, 55, and 119 be deferred to Wednesday, February 27, the
31st legislative day.
Which motion prevailed.
There being no objection, the House reverted to Order of Business No. 5.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that HB 1001, 1002, 1003,
1004, 1011, 1035, 1039, 1067, 1069, 1070, 1071, 1072, 1073, 1076, 1078, 1084, 1099, 1107,
and 1153 were delivered to his Excellency, the Governor, for his approval at 11:50 a.m.,
February 26, 2013.
The Committee on Legislative Procedure respectfully reports that the Office of Engrossing
and Enrolling has carefully compared HB 1019, 1020, 1028, 1038, 1057, 1074, 1079, 1081,
1082, 1091, 1101, 1118, 1127, 1141, 1158, and 1180 and finds the same correctly enrolled.
The Speaker publicly read the title to
HB 1019: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to authorize the involuntary treatment of
jailed prisoners with psychotropic medication.
HB 1020: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions relating to the
evaluation and treatment of persons with mental illness.
HB 1028: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to repeal the requirement that a minor be
accompanied by an adult while hunting mourning doves.
HB 1038: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make an appropriation to reimburse
certain family physicians, dentists, and physician assistants who have complied with the
requirements of the recruitment assistance program.
HB 1057: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to make an appropriation for costs related
to suppression of wildfires in the state and to declare an emergency.
HB 1074: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to define the insurer's responsibilities
concerning health insurance policies in relation to the eligibility of minor dependents for
HB 1079: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to increase the fee for certain property tax
HB 1081: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to specify the duration of certain municipal
HB 1082: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions concerning the
designation of official newspapers for municipalities.
HB 1091: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to establish certain provisions regarding the
labeling of motor fuel at a retail fuel pump and to declare an emergency.
HB 1101: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions relating to public
employee grievance procedures.
HB 1117: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise the definition of a temporary
special events lot for the purposes of vehicle dealer licensing.
HB 1118: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding special
motor vehicle license plates for veterans with disabilities.
HB 1141: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions regarding certain
motor vehicle dealer license plates and permits.
HB 1158: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to revise certain provisions relating to the
posting of public notice for meetings of public bodies.
HB 1180: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to allow veterans to receive credit for certain
military training and experience.
SB 121: FOR AN ACT ENTITLED, An Act to repeal certain provisions relating to the
Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation.
And signed the same in the presence of the House.
HC 1023 Introduced by: Representatives Hajek, Bolin, Dryden, Duvall, Erickson, Hickey,
Hoffman, Hunhoff (Bernie), Johns, Mickelson, Nelson, Novstrup (David), Olson (Betty),
Peterson, Rasmussen, Rounds, Rozum, Sly, Solum, Stalzer, Steele, Stevens, Tulson, Tyler,
Westra, Wick, and Wink and Senators Heineman (Phyllis), Johnston, Lederman, Lucas,
Omdahl, Otten (Ernie), and Rampelberg
HC 1024 Introduced by: Representatives Romkema, Campbell, Carson, Craig, Dryden,
Erickson, Haggar (Don), Hajek, Hawks, Hickey, Hoffman, Johns, Kopp, Latterell, Novstrup
(David), Olson (Betty), Peterson, Rasmussen, Rounds, Schaefer, Schoenfish, Solum, Stalzer,
Steele, Stevens, Tulson, and Tyler and Senators Ewing, Monroe, Omdahl, and Otten (Ernie)
Rep. Steele moved that the House do now adjourn, which motion prevailed and at
3:42 p.m. the House adjourned.