190A 99th Legislative Session 190

2024 South Dakota Legislature

Senate Bill 190


Introduced by: Senator Kolbeck (Steve)

An Act to require a comparison of reemployment assistance recipients against death records for reemployment assistance eligibility integrity.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of South Dakota:

Section 1. That § 61-6-68 be AMENDED:

61-6-68. Each month, the Department of Labor and Regulation shall must:

(1) Compare the list of reemployment assistance recipients with new hire records and the state’s New Hire Data and the National Directory of New Hires to verify eligibility; and

(2) Check the list of reemployment assistance recipients against the Department of Corrections' list of incarcerated individuals to verify eligibility and ensure program integrity; and

(3) Match the list of reemployment assistance recipients against the death records maintained as vital statistics records by the Department of Health, the social security death index, and the Social Security Administration master death file.

The Department of Labor and Regulation may execute a memorandum of understanding with any department, agency, or division to share information under this section.

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