P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Hunhoff (Jean), Chair
P Soholt, Vice-Chair
P Rampelberg
P Holien
P Krebs
P Jensen
P Bradford
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Senator Jean Hunhoff, Chair.
Moved by: Soholt
Second by: Holien
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
36-35-8. Any person engaged in the practice of massage in this state shall conspicuously display
a valid license or certified duplicate license from the board in the person's place of business.
36-35-9. Any fees and civil penalties collected under this chapter shall be used for the operation
of the board and the implementation of this chapter.
Section 3. That § 36-35-10 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-10. Any person who engages in the practice of massage or holds himself or herself out to
the public as engaged in the practice of massage without a license pursuant to this chapter is guilty
of a Class 1 misdemeanor and upon conviction the court shall assess a civil penalty of one thousand
dollars payable to the board. The state or the board may file a civil action to enjoin any person
engaging in the practice of massage without a license.
Section 4. That § 36-35-11 be repealed.
36-35-11. Any person who advertises services to the public as a massage therapist, bodywork
therapist, masseur, masseuse, massagist, or any derivation or abbreviation of those terms or any
other term commonly recognized to mean the practice of massage therapy while not licensed under
this chapter is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Upon conviction the court shall assess a civil penalty
of one thousand dollars payable to the board. The state or the board may file a civil action to enjoin
any person from violating this section.
Section 5. That § 36-35-12 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-12. The board may shall issue a license to engage in the practice of massage to any person
who submits an application form and the nonrefundable application fee as approved in § 36-35-17
and who demonstrates the following qualifications:
Section 6. That chapter 36-35 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 8. That chapter 36-35 be amended by adding thereto a NEW SECTION to read as
Section 9. That § 36-35-13 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-13. For the purposes of this chapter, any of the following acts constitute unprofessional conduct:
36-35-15. Any person holding a valid license or registration to practice massage from another
state whose requirements for licensure or registration are not less restrictive than this state is not
required to take the exempted from the requirement for any examination for licensure by § 36-35-12.
Any person applying for a license under this section shall submit an application as required by § 36-35-12 along with proof of a current license. This section applies only to persons holding licenses
from states which offer reciprocity to persons licensed by this state.
Section 11. That § 36-35-16 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-16. Any person holding a valid license under this chapter may renew that license by
paying the required renewal fee and providing proof of compliance with the continuing education
requirements set by the board at least thirty days prior to the expiration of the current license. Any
person who submits a license renewal less than thirty days prior to the expiration of the license but
no later than the expiration date shall submit a seventy-five dollar late fee. If the board has not
received a license renewal by the expiration date, the board shall notify the licensee within five days
that the renewal has not been received and that the licensee may not practice until the license is
renewed. Any person who submits a license renewal and provides proof of compliance with the
continuing education requirements set by the board within thirty days after the expiration date shall
submit a one hundred fifty dollar late fee. Any person whose license has lapsed shall reapply for a
license be granted a license renewal.
Section 12. That § 36-35-18 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-18. Any person holding a valid license under this chapter may obtain a certified duplicate
license by submitting a fee to be set by the board by rule promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26, not
to exceed twenty-five dollars for each certified duplicate. The board may issue a duplicate license
to a licensee upon request.
Section 13. That § 36-35-19 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-19. Any person licensed under this chapter shall complete eight hours of continuing
education relating to competence in the practice of massage on a biennial basis of a type and from
a facility or instructor approved by the board. No more than four of the The required continuing
education hours may be obtained by electronic means. The board may waive the continuing
education requirement upon proof of illness or hardship.
Section 14. That § 36-35-20 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-20. The board shall receive and may investigate any complaint filed with the board
alleging that any licensed massage therapist has violated the requirements of this chapter. The board
may inspect the place of business of any person with a license issued pursuant to this chapter named
in a complaint pursuant to this section during normal business hours or upon written notice.
Section 15. That § 36-35-21 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-21. Any person holding a valid license under this chapter and engaged in the practice of
massage therapy shall carry malpractice or professional liability insurance coverage with a company
with a certificate of authority from the South Dakota Division of Insurance with limits at or in excess
of the minimum amount established by the board of no less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars
per occurrence. A licensee shall notify the board of any change of carrier occurring after a license
or renewal is granted..
Section 16. That § 36-35-24 be amended to read as follows:
36-35-24. The board may promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 in the following areas:
20:76:02:02. License fee schedule. The license fee schedule is as follows:
(1) License fee, $65 Temporary permit fee, $50;
(2) Annual license renewal fee, $65 $45;
(3) Inactive license fee, $65 $25;
(4) Application fee, $100 $75.
Section 18. That ARSD 20:76:08:01 be amended to read as follows:
20:76:08:01. Recognized facilities. The board may license an applicant who has completed the
training required by § 20:76:01:06 from the following South Dakota facilities until July 1, 2014, at
which time the facility shall be accredited pursuant to § 20:76:08:02:
(1) Black Hills Health & Education Center;
(2) Headlines Academy;
(3) National American University;
(4) Pam's Massage School;
(5) SD School of Massage Therapy;
(6) Sioux Falls Therapeutic Massage & Education Center; and
(7) Springs Bath House School of Massage."
Charlotte Conway