Dean Wink Speaker Pro tempore |
Arlene Kvislen Chief Clerk |
SCR 2 (SJ 25th LD) Expressing support for civic education in the public schools in South
Dakota, and recognizing March 6, 2013, as Civic Education Day at the State Capitol.
Amended HJ 27th LD: SB 1
* Amended
SB 121* repeal certain provisions relating to the Commission on Intergovernmental
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
HB 1214* (Fiscal Note) provide medical care for certain unborn children.
* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill
SB 86 (Deferred from the 27th LD) increase the minimum salary payable to county officials,
state's attorneys, and sheriffs.
SB 156* (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize township boards to increase the front foot
assessment for road maintenance, repairs, and improvements and to revise certain
provisions concerning road districts established by townships.
SB 68 (Deferred from the 27th LD) revise the controlled substance schedule and to declare
an emergency.
SB 88 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the county to deny bids on county sales of tax
deed properties if the bidder is not current on property taxes due.
SB 145* (Deferred from the 27th LD) revise certain provisions concerning the content of
annual property tax bill.
SB 96* (Deferred from the 27th LD) exempt certain school districts from the requirement to
reorganize due to low enrollment.
SB 22 (Deferred from the 27th LD) make an appropriation for the construction and
renovation of certain office buildings in Rapid City for the Department of Agriculture
and to declare an emergency.
SB 29 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the Department of the Military to purchase
land for use by the South Dakota Army National Guard, to make an appropriation
therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 30 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the Department of the Military to construct a
motor vehicle storage building in Sioux Falls, to make an appropriation therefor, and
to declare an emergency.
SB 239 (Deferred from the 27th LD) repeal the state's membership in the multistate tax
SB 69* (Deferred from the 27th LD) revise certain provisions of the health professionals
diversion program.
SB 103 (Deferred from the 27th LD) remove the required waiting period before cremated
remains may be released to be scattered.
SB 118 (Deferred from the 27th LD) provide for the issuance of a resident medical license and
to repeal certain resident training permits issued by the Board of Medical and
Osteopathic Examiners.
SB 10 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the
construction of swine teaching and research facilities at South Dakota State
University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 11 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the
construction of an indoor practice and human performance facility on the campus of
South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 189 (Deferred from the 27th LD) make appropriations from the water and environment
fund, the water pollution control revolving fund subfund, and the drinking water
revolving fund subfund for various water and environmental purposes and to declare
an emergency.
SB 190* (Deferred from the 27th LD) make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly
persons and persons with a disability, to revise the income eligibility requirements
for property and sales tax refunds, and to declare an emergency.
SB 151* (Deferred from the 27th LD) clarify the maintenance responsibilities on unimproved
section lines.
SB 158 (Deferred from the 27th LD) provide for the funding of educational programs for
children in residential treatment centers, intensive residential treatment centers, or
licensed group care centers.
SB 3* (Deferred from the 27th LD) require the reporting of the outcomes of certain licensure
and certification examinations.
SB 4 (Deferred from the 27th LD) require the Department of Labor and Regulation to
determine certain job placement outcomes for graduates of all public postsecondary
education institutions in the state.
SB 33 (Deferred from the 27th LD) authorize the use of an online reverse auction for the
procurement of certain goods and services by governmental agencies.
SB 35 (Deferred from the 27th LD) allow the prosecution to appeal from certain judgments
of acquittal.
SB 36 (Deferred from the 27th LD) protect the identity of the person or entity supplying the
intravenous injection substance for executions and to increase the penalty for a
violation of those provisions.
SB 80* reinstate certain provisions repealed in the Eighty-seventh Legislative Session
regarding the accounting for federal impact aid.
SB 5* establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the
funding of postsecondary education, and to create the Council on Higher Education
Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
Establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide for the
funding of higher education, and to create the Council on Higher Education Policy
Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
SB 39* establish a penalty for a juvenile convicted as an adult of a Class A or B felony and
allow a sentence of up to life imprisonment after a sentencing hearing.
SB 139* regulate certain market activity in a health exchange.
SB 168 require that newborns be screened for congenital heart defects.
SB 181* provide licensing reciprocity for social workers.
SB 17* make an appropriation from the coordinated natural resources conservation fund to
the State Conservation Commission.
SB 205* authorize the hunting of wolves in certain circumstances.
SB 166 revise the number of years that permits to carry a concealed weapon are valid.
HC 1022 (HJ 27th LD) Honoring the South Dakota Department of Agriculture for one hundred
ten years of promoting, protecting, preserving, and improving South Dakota's
agriculture for today and tomorrow.
SC 14 (SJ 26th LD) Honoring Molly Hermann of Sturgis, South Dakota Girls State
Governor and Ty Wiley of Sioux Falls, South Dakota Boys State Governor; and
commending the South Dakota American Legion and Auxiliary for their sponsorship
and coordination of the Girls State and Boys State programs.