P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
E Krebs, Chair
P Rampelberg, Vice-Chair
P Rhoden
P Otten (Ernie)
P Vehle
P Ewing
P Omdahl
P Lucas
P Frerichs
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Bruce Rampelberg, Vice Chair.
Moved by: Ewing
Second by: Omdahl
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
HB 1028: repeal the requirement that a minor be accompanied by an adult while
hunting mourning doves.
Presented by: Emmett Keyser, Department of Game, Fish, and Parks
Moved by: Frerichs
Second by: Vehle
Action: Prevailed by roll call vote. (6-1-2-0)
" Section 143. That § 40-15-27 be amended to read as follows:
40-15-27. Every livestock agency shall keep complete records on forms approved by the Animal
Industry Board containing as prescribed by the Animal Industry Board in rules promulgated pursuant
to chapter 1-26. Such information may include the names of all persons or organizations bringing
to or offering livestock for sale at such the agency, any livestock, together with and a complete
description of such the livestock including the approximate age and weight, sex, color, marks,
brands, and flesh marks thereon. The record shall include the license number of any motor vehicle
bringing livestock to such agency or its vicinity for delivery to it. Such records shall clearly show
the name and address of the person or firm for whom such animals were sold and the descriptions
of such animals as prescribed by the Animal Industry Board to fulfill the intent of this chapter. A
violation of this section is a petty offense. Each violation is a separate offense.
Section 144. That § 40-15-28 be amended to read as follows:
40-15-28. The records required by § 40-15-27 shall be open for inspection at any reasonable time
to any person interested as prescribed by the Animal Industry Board in rules promulgated pursuant
to chapter 1-26 to fulfill the intent of this chapter. Every livestock auction agency shall keep and
preserve all records for at least three years and shall furnish copies thereof to peace officers without
charge and to any other person upon payment of reasonable charge for making such copy. ".
Charlotte Conway