On page 1, line 5, of the Introduced bill, delete "Any" and insert "No"
On page 1, line 5, of the Introduced bill, delete " who" and insert " may"
On page 1, line 5, of the Introduced bill, delete " utters or addresses" and insert " utter or address"
On page 1, line 7, of the Introduced bill, delete " is guilty of" and insert ". A violation of this section is"
On page 1, line 7, of the Introduced bill, after "misdemeanor" insert ", and the court must impose a fine of at least one thousand dollars. A subsequent violation of this section is a Class 6 felony"
On page 1, line 7, of the Introduced bill, after "misdemeanor." insert "
Any individual convicted of second or subsequent offence under this section must be removed from the voter registration list, pursuant to § 12-4-18, and may not vote in any election held in this state for a period of four years, beginning on the date of the offense.
Any money collected under this section must be deposited in the general fund and expended under the general appropriations act for the purposes of election integrity."