Dean Wink
Speaker Pro tempore  
Brian Gosch

Arlene Kvislen
Chief Clerk  
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
26th Legislative Day

Individuals needing assistance, pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, should contact the Legislative Research Council (605-773-3251) 48 hours before convening to make any necessary arrangements.


HCR 1007    (HJ 25th LD) endorsing Taiwan's participation as an observer in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the twenty-ninth anniversary of sister state relations with the Province of Taiwan in the Republic of China (Taiwan).
HCR 1008    (HJ 25th LD) exposing and opposing United Nations Agenda 21.


Amended HJ 25th LD: SB 151

* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill

HB 1142*    (Fiscal Note) promote patient choice in selecting health care providers.
HB 1045*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) repeal the lower rate of tax imposed on income over four hundred million dollars for the bank franchise tax.
    Revise certain provisions regarding alternative apportionment methods available for determination of the bank franchise tax.

HB 1161*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) establish and provide certain incentives for projects that create new jobs or promote economic activity.
    Establish and provide certain incentives for projects that create new jobs or promote economic activity and to establish the rural economic development partnership program.
HB 1212*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) increase the expense allowances of legislators.
HB 1214*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) provide medical care for certain unborn children.
HB 1089*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) require statewide livestock ownership inspection.
HB 1149*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise and clarify requirements relating to limits of small game and fish taken by small game hunting parties and fishing parties.
HB 1165    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain property tax levies for the general fund of school districts.
HB 1204    (Deferred from the 25th LD) require the Board of Education to obtain legislative approval before adopting any further Common Core standards, and to repeal a provision requiring the board to conduct certain public hearings.
HB 1136    (Deferred from the 25th LD) affect medical services.
HB 1137    (Deferred from the 25th LD) impact education in South Dakota.
HB 1226*    provide remedies for assets omitted from the division of property in the entry of a divorce decree.
HB 1235*    revise certain provisions to prohibit the use of public resources to influence the outcome of elections.
    Repeal the Regional Watershed Advisory Task Force to save public financial resources.
HB 1237*    revise certain provisions to abortion counseling.
HB 1143*    create a leased residential property classification and to establish the school district general fund levy for the property classification.
HB 1060*    revise the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2013.
HB 1184*    make an appropriation to the Department of Game, Fish and Parks to fund certain improvements to the state park system.

* Refer to Daily Reader for engrossed (amended) bill

SB 41*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions regarding the requirements for school bus inspection and to authorize the Highway Patrol to approve school bus inspectors.
SB 45    (Deferred from the 25th LD) permit certain persons to renew an operator's license, a motorcycle operator's license, or nondriver identification card without appearing in person at a driver license exam site.
SB 23*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions pertaining to the Certification Board for Alcohol and Drug Professionals and to increase certain fees.
SB 72*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions concerning inspections of food service establishments by the Department of Health.
SB 18*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize the Department of Agriculture to construct a 4-H exhibit hall in Huron and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 19*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize the Department of Agriculture to construct a housing unit in Huron, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.

SB 27    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise previous session laws related to the design, construction, and equipping of a veterans home near Hot Springs, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 78*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions relating to medical requirements for intrastate drivers transporting passengers and to update certain references to federal statutes.
SB 86    (Deferred from the 25th LD) increase the minimum salary payable to county officials, state's attorneys, and sheriffs.
SB 156*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize township boards to increase the front foot assessment for road maintenance, repairs, and improvements and to revise certain provisions concerning road districts established by townships.
SB 68    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise the controlled substance schedule and to declare an emergency.
SB 88    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize the county to deny bids on county sales of tax deed properties if the bidder is not current on property taxes due.
SB 145*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions concerning the content of annual property tax bill.
SB 96*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) exempt certain school districts from the requirement to reorganize due to low enrollment.
SB 22    (Deferred from the 25th LD) make an appropriation for the construction and renovation of certain office buildings in Rapid City for the Department of Agriculture and to declare an emergency.
SB 29    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize the Department of the Military to purchase land for use by the South Dakota Army National Guard, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 30    (Deferred from the 25th LD) authorize the Department of the Military to construct a motor vehicle storage building in Sioux Falls, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
SB 239    (Deferred from the 25th LD) repeal the state's membership in the multistate tax commission.
SB 69*    (Deferred from the 25th LD) revise certain provisions of the health professionals diversion program.
SB 103    (Deferred from the 25th LD) remove the required waiting period before cremated remains may be released to be scattered.
SB 118    (Deferred from the 25th LD) provide for the issuance of a resident medical license and to repeal certain resident training permits issued by the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners.
SB 10    authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of swine teaching and research facilities at South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 11    authorize the Board of Regents to contract for the construction of an indoor practice and human performance facility on the campus of South Dakota State University and to make an appropriation therefor.
SB 189    make appropriations from the water and environment fund, the water pollution control revolving fund subfund, and the drinking water revolving fund subfund for various water and environmental purposes and to declare an emergency.

SB 190*    make an appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly persons and persons with a disability, to revise the income eligibility requirements for property and sales tax refunds, and to declare an emergency.


HC 1021    (HJ 25th LD) Honoring and commemorating the fifty-fifth anniversary in 2013 of the annual Schmeckfest in Freeman, South Dakota.

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