SB 3* require the reporting of the outcomes of certain licensure and certification
Senators Olson (Russell), Bradford, Johnston, Jones, Kirkeby, Peters, Tidemann, and
White and Representatives Dryden, Munsterman, and Wismer at the request of the
Interim Postsecondary Education-Purpose and Funding Study Committee
SB 4 require the Department of Labor and Regulation to determine certain job
placement outcomes for graduates of all public postsecondary education
institutions in the state.
Senators Olson (Russell), Bradford, Johnston, Jones, Kirkeby, Peters, Tidemann, and
White and Representatives Dryden, Munsterman, and Wismer at the request of the
Interim Postsecondary Education-Purpose and Funding Study Committee
SB 5* establish the public purpose and goals of postsecondary education, to provide
for the funding of higher education, and to create the Council on Higher
Education Policy Goals, Performance, and Accountability.
Senators Olson (Russell), Bradford, Johnston, Jones, Kirkeby, Peters, Tidemann, and
White and Representatives Dryden, Munsterman, and Wismer at the request of the
Interim Postsecondary Education-Purpose and Funding Study Committee
SB 13 revise certain provisions relating to the administration of mineral rights on and
under research parks.
The Committee on State Affairs at the request of the Governor's Office of Economic
SB 32 revise the provisions under which the Bureau of Administration may enter into
contracts for insurance and reinsurance.
The Committee on State Affairs at the request of the Bureau of Administration
SB 33 authorize the use of an online reverse auction for the procurement of certain
goods and services by governmental agencies.
The Committee on State Affairs at the request of the Bureau of Administration