P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Ewing
P Kirkeby
P Omdahl
P Otten (Ernie)
P Welke
P Monroe, Vice-Chair
P Maher, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Senator Maher.
Moved by: Omdahl
Second by: Ewing
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
SB 156: authorize township boards to increase the front foot assessment for road
maintenance and repairs.
Presented by: Senator Shantel Krebs
Proponents: Dick Howard, SD Association of Towns and Townships (Handout: #1)
Dennis Horner, self, Sioux Falls
31-13-15. Each organized township in the state has power to may divide the township roads or
streets in said the township into road districts which shall include not more than one-half:
31-13-17. At the time and place of hearing pursuant to § 31-13-16, the board of supervisors shall
consider the petition and if in the opinion of. If the supervisors determine it shall be considered
advisable, they the supervisors may, by resolution, assess such properties in the road district for
purposes of road improvement for such an amount as the supervisors determine advisable, The
assessment may not to exceed the amount set forth in the petition and in no event more than
seventy-five cents may the assessment exceed two dollars a foot front in any one calendar year. Such
assessments The assessment shall be certified to the county and collected as a part of the real estate
taxes against the property so assessed and shall may only be used by the township only for the
purpose of road improvement in the road district, or part thereof, in which assessed. ".
Lois Henry