87th Legislative Session _ 2012

Committee: Joint Legislative Procedure Thursday, March 01, 2012

Senator Bob Gray, Chair called the Joint Legislative Procedure Committee to order at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 1, 2012, in Room 413 of the State Capitol Building, Pierre, South Dakota.

A quorum was determined with the following members answering the roll call: Senators Corey Brown, Jason Frerichs, Phyllis Heineman, Russell Olson, J.E. 'Jim' Putnam, Timothy Rave, and Bob Gray, Chair; and Representatives Justin R. Cronin, Mitch Fargen, Brian Gosch, Bernie Hunhoff, Roger W. Hunt, David Lust, and Val Rausch, Co-Chair. Jim Fry, Director, Legislative Research Council was present. All the documents distributed at the meeting are attached to the original minutes on file in the Legislative Research Council (LRC).
Senator Rave moved and Representative Heineman seconded that the agenda as presented be approved. Motion prevailed.
Mr. Jim Fry provided an overview of four options available for the 2013 Legislative Session Calendar.

It was the consensus view of the committee that a thirty-eight day legislative session (Plan D II) would allow the standing committees sufficient time to finish their business, and that four-day weeks are beneficial for legislators - by giving them one day to catch up with business, family, and other concerns and leaving their weekends for cracker barrel meetings.
Senator Rave moved, seconded by Representative Fargen that the proposed 2013 Legislative Session Calendar, Plan D II (38 day Session with a 4-day weekend on February 15-18) be adopted. The motion prevailed on a roll call vote with 14 ayes. Members voting aye: Senators Brown, Frerichs, Heineman, Olson, Putnam, Rave, and Gray; and Representatives Cronin, Fargen, Gosch, Hunhoff, Hunt, Lust, and Rausch.

Senator Rave moved, seconded by Senator Brown that the meeting be adjourned. Motion prevailed.
Rena Ortbahn


Committee Secretary
Bob Gray, Chair

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