87th Legislative Session _ 2012

Committee: Senate Transportation
Monday, February 27, 2012

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent
Roll Call
E    Cutler
P    Hansen (Tom)
P    Krebs
P    Maher
E    Hundstad
P    Fryslie, Vice-Chair
P    Vehle, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Senator Mike Vehle, Chair.


Moved by:    Krebs
Second by:    Vehle
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

        HB 1122: revise certain provisions relating to the vacation, change, or location of highways.


Moved by:    Krebs
Second by:    Hansen (Tom)
Action:    Prevailed by roll call vote. (5-0-2-0)

Voting Yes:    Hansen (Tom), Krebs, Maher, Fryslie, Vehle

Excused:    Cutler, Hundstad

A briefing on the potential impact on the roads and infrastructures in Northwest South Dakota in light of potential oil development followed.

Steve Pirner, Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, provided a powerpoint presentation (handout 1). He explained the interactive maps and South Dakota oil and gas facts available now online through DENR; provided a summary of public drinking water systems and municipal water systems in Butte, Harding, Meade, and Perkins counties; and provided information on state and federal funding programs for water and wastewater systems.

Darin Bergquist, Secretary of the Department of Transportation, provided the committee with information on existing road conditions, including: the traffic counts, surface condition index, level of service, and accident rates for state highways 85 and 79 (handouts 2 & 3); a detailed map of Northwestern South Dakota state highways and local roads color-coded as to system class (handout #4); and a map color-coding federal-aid eligible routes in South Dakota (handout #5).

Dale Patten, County Commissioner from Watford City, McKenzie County, North Dakota spoke to the committee via teleconference for 45 minutes. He explained how the increased oil development in McKenzie County has impacted the county including: increased county budget needs; increased truck traffic, road repair to meet increased weight limits, gravel shortages, and dust control problems; increased population, expanded housing needs, increased rental rates, plans for improved water and sewer structures; the need and source of water for the oil fracking process; a planned new rural water project; and dollars spent by oil companies in McKenzie County. Fred Baatz, Legislative Research Council provided handouts with information on oil and gas taxes in North Dakota (handout 6) and the need for improved roads in McKenzie County (handout 7).

Others briefly speaking to the committee were:

Representative Dennis Feickert
Robert Johnson, Buffalo, South Dakota
Joel Judnt, Department of Transportation (responded to committee question)
Dick Howard, SD Association of Towns and Townships (handout 8)


Moved by:    Krebs
Second by:    Hansen (Tom)
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Rena Ortbahn


Committee Secretary
Mike Vehle, Chair

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