Committee Agenda

Committee:    House Judiciary
Room:    413
Date:    Monday, February 27, 2012
Time:    10:00 AM

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        SB 146     provide for an affirmative defense of compulsion for the crime of prostitution.
            Senators Cutler, Krebs, and Peters and Representatives Moser, Blake, Elliott, Gibson, Gosch, Hickey, Kirkeby, Lucas, Magstadt, Rozum, Sigdestad, and Street

        SB 148     revise certain provisions relating to battery committed against infants and unborn children.
            Senators Rave, Cutler, Holien, and Tieszen and Representatives Hunt, Gosch, Lust, and Turbiville

        SB 149     revise certain provisions relating to the conditional release of persons charged with domestic abuse.
            Senators Cutler, Buhl, Haverly, Kraus, Krebs, Novstrup (Al), Peters, and Vehle and Representatives Novstrup (David), Blake, Conzet, Elliott, Hansen (Jon), Kirkeby, and Stricherz

        SB 183     establish the elements of the offense of juvenile sexting and to provide a penalty therefor.
            Senators Vehle, Cutler, Fryslie, Holien, Maher, Nygaard, Olson (Russell), Rhoden, Schlekeway, and Tidemann and Representatives Hoffman, Gosch, Rozum, Street, Tulson, Verchio, and Wismer


        SB 141*     revise the legal definition of the term, domestic abuse.
            Senators Peters, Buhl, Cutler, Holien, Nelson (Tom), and Nygaard and Representatives Gibson, Abdallah, Blake, Hunhoff (Bernie), Kirkeby, Perry, Street, and Turbiville

        ROGER W. HUNT, Chair