On page 1, line 1, of the Introduced bill, delete "references to " and insert "requirements for adopting "
On page 1, line 4, of the Introduced bill, after "standards--" insert "Commercial real estate impact statement--"
On page 1, line 4, of the Introduced bill, after "ordinance" insert "--Commercial real estate defined"
On page 1, line 6, of the Introduced bill, after "construction" insert " that impacts commercial real estate"
On page 1, line 8, of the Introduced bill, after "Incorporated" insert ", but the governing body may amend, modify, or delete any portion of the International Building Code prior to adopting the ordinance"
On page 1, line 8, of the Introduced bill, delete "may amend, modify, or delete any portion of the International Building Code " and insert "shall prepare a commercial real estate impact statement pursuant to § 11-10-5.1 "
On page 1, line 11, of the Introduced bill, after "body " insert "if a commercial real estate impact statement is prepared for those deletions, modifications, and amendments pursuant to § 11-10-5. 1, "
On page 1, line 11, of the Introduced bill, after "officer" insert " if the commercial real estate impact statement is included with the filing"
On page 1, line 13, of the Introduced bill, after "body" insert " if a commercial real estate impact statement is prepared for those deletions, modifications, and amendments pursuant to § 11-10-5. 1"
On page 1, line 14, of the Introduced bill, after "auditor" insert " if the commercial real estate impact statement is included with the filing"
On page 1, line 20, of the Introduced bill, after "Code" insert ".
For purposes of this section, commercial real estate, means any structure and premises other than that of a single family dwelling, two-family dwelling, or townhouse not more than three stories above grade"
On page 1, after line 20, of the Introduced bill, insert "
Section 2. That a NEW SECTION be added:
11-10-5.1. Commercial real estate impact statement.
A commercial real estate impact statement that is required under the provisions of this chapter shall set forth the need for each new standard or requirement for commercial real estate and the estimated cost, per unit of commercial real estate, of compliance. To determine the estimated cost of compliance, the governing body shall obtain from three licensed contractors, or other applicable building trades professionals operating in this state an estimate of the total cost to consumer of all materials, labor and taxes necessary to comply with the proposed new standard or requirement. The governing body shall use the average of these estimates in preparing the impact statement.
For purposes of this section, commercial real estate, means any structure and premises other than that of a single family dwelling, two-family dwelling, or townhouse not more than three stories above grade.
On page 1, line 22, of the Introduced bill, after "ordinance" insert "--Commercial real estate impact statement--Commercial real estate defined"
On page 2, line 2, of the Introduced bill, after "Incorporated" insert ", but shall only apply to commercial real estate if the local unit of government has prepared a commercial real estate impact statement pursuant to § 11-10-5. 1"
On page 2, line 15, of the Introduced bill, after "Code" insert ".
For purposes of this section, commercial real estate, means any structure and premises other than that of a single family dwelling, two-family dwelling, or townhouse not more than three stories above grade"
On page 2, line 17, of the Introduced bill, after "maintenance--" insert "Commercial real estate impact statement--"
On page 2, line 18, of the Introduced bill, after "standards--Modifications" insert "--Commercial real estate defined"
On page 2, line 20, of the Introduced bill, after "premises" insert " that impacts commercial real estate"
On page 2, line 22, of the Introduced bill, after "Incorporated" insert ", but the governing body may amend, modify, or delete any portion of the International Property Maintenance Code prior to adopting the ordinance"
On page 2, line 22, of the Introduced bill, delete "may amend, modify, or delete any portion of the International Property Maintenance Code " and insert "shall prepare a commercial real estate impact statement pursuant to § 11-10-5.1 "
On page 2, line 25, of the Introduced bill, after "body " insert "if a commercial real estate impact statement is prepared for those deletions, modifications, and amendments pursuant to § 11-10-5. 1, "
On page 2, line 26, of the Introduced bill, after "officer" insert " if the commercial real estate impact statement is included with the filing"
On page 2, line 28, of the Introduced bill, after "body" insert " if a commercial real estate impact statement is prepared for those deletions, modifications, and amendments pursuant to § 11-10-5. 1"
On page 2, line 28, of the Introduced bill, after "auditor" insert " if the commercial real estate impact statement is included with the filing"
On page 2, line 31, of the Introduced bill, after "32-7A" insert ".
For purposes of this section, commercial real estate, means any structure and premises other than that of a single family dwelling, two-family dwelling, or townhouse not more than three stories above grade"