SB 128 revise certain provisions concerning elections.
Senators Lederman, Brown, Maher, Rampelberg, and Schlekeway and
Representatives Willadsen, Cronin, Hansen (Jon), Kirkeby, and Moser
HB 1131* revise certain provisions relating to the posting of public notice for meetings of
public bodies.
Representatives Tulson, Abdallah, Bolin, Brunner, Elliott, Hoffman, Jensen, Jones,
Kirkeby, Magstadt, and Verchio and Senators Holien, Begalka, Heineman,
Lederman, Novstrup (Al), Rampelberg, Rhoden, Schlekeway, Tieszen, and Vehle
HB 1162 revise certain provisions relating to the platting and annexation of subdivisions.
Representatives Romkema, Fargen, Kirkeby, Schrempp, Turbiville, and Verchio and
Senators Lederman, Bradford, Maher, Nelson (Tom), and Rhoden
HB 1172 exempt certain developer-installed storm sewer detention ponds from public
procurement bid requirements.
Representatives Munsterman, Kirkeby, Magstadt, and Schrempp and Senators Peters,
Bradford, Johnston, and Schlekeway
HB 1173 revise certain provisions regarding the administration of the county legal
expense relief program.
Representatives Venner, Bolin, Cronin, Deelstra, Fargen, Kirkeby, Munsterman, and
Olson (Betty) and Senators Gray, Bradford, Hansen (Tom), Juhnke, Maher, and
Novstrup (Al)
HB 1178 revise certain provisions relating to the disposal of local government property.
Representatives Magstadt, Kirkeby, and Schrempp and Senators Holien, Bradford,
Schlekeway, and Tieszen
HB 1203 revise auditing requirements for water development districts.
Representatives Boomgarden and Jones and Senator Nygaard