SB 146 provide for an affirmative defense of compulsion for the crime of prostitution.
Senators Cutler, Krebs, and Peters and Representatives Moser, Blake, Elliott, Gibson, Gosch,
Hickey, Kirkeby, Lucas, Magstadt, Rozum, Sigdestad, and Street
SB 52 provide for point of sale collection of the prepaid wireless 911 emergency surcharge.
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the 911 Coordination Board
SB 148 revise certain provisions relating to battery committed against infants and unborn
Senators Rave, Cutler, Holien, and Tieszen and Representatives Hunt, Gosch, Lust, and
HB 1055 allow for joint physical custody orders after a court awards joint legal custody if in the
best interest of the child.
Representatives Gosch, Abdallah, Feinstein, Hunt, Lust, Rausch, and Turbiville and Senators
Cutler, Gray, Olson (Russell), Tieszen, and Vehle
SB 60 provide for the award of joint physical custody of children under certain circumstances.
Senators Begalka, Bradford, Frerichs, Gray, Lederman, Olson (Russell), and Schlekeway and
Representatives Magstadt, Dennert, Greenfield, Haggar, Hansen (Jon), Hickey, Hoffman,
Hubbel, Jensen, Nelson (Stace), Olson (Betty), Russell, Stricherz, Tornow, and Wick
SB 10 revise certain provisions pertaining to boating while under the influence.
The Committee on Judiciary at the request of the Department of Game, Fish and Parks
SB 172 toll any conviction for operation of a boat while under the influence when calculating
the number of offenses for enhancement of a driving under the influence charge.
Senator Tieszen and Representative Hansen (Jon)
SB 181 repeal certain tort liability arising out of causes of action based on seduction, abduction,
and alienation of affectons.
Senators Adelstein, Begalka, Bradford, Buhl, Cutler, and Lederman and Representatives
Magstadt, Gibson, Haggar, Kirkeby, Olson (Betty), Stricherz, Tornow, and Turbiville
SB 183 establish the elements of the offense of juvenile sexting and to provide a penalty
Senators Vehle, Cutler, Fryslie, Holien, Maher, Nygaard, Olson (Russell), Rhoden,
Schlekeway, and Tidemann and Representatives Hoffman, Gosch, Rozum, Street, Tulson,
Verchio, and Wismer
Meeting will be recessed by 10:00 a.m. and continued at noon, if necessary.