87th Legislative Session _ 2012

Committee: House Agriculture and Natural Resources
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

                                            P - Present
                                            E - Excused
                                            A - Absent

Roll Call
P    Brunner
P    Kloucek
P    Kopp
P    Olson (Betty)
P    Schaefer
P    Schrempp
P    Scott
P    Sigdestad
P    Street
P    Van Gerpen
P    Verchio
P    Hoffman, Vice-Chair
E    Vanneman, Chair

OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Representative Hoffman, Vice-Chair.


Moved by:    Olson (Betty)
Second by:    Sigdestad
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Steve Pirner gave a presentation on the new online system for oil well and water well tracking and mapping. He also gave a summery of the current top five priorities for DENR. (Handout 1)

Secretary of Agriculture, Walt Bones, gave an overview of the Department of Agriculture. He highlighted the top accomplishments of the Department over the last year including the fire fighting in the Black Hills, the exemplary teamwork of the Missouri River Flooding effort, and the Black Hills Mountain Pine Beetle effort. (Handout 2)

Secretary of Game Fish & Parks, Jeffery Vonk, talked about the new out door campus in Rapid City, the increases and decreases in the sales of fishing, and hunting licenses, the state parks visitation and revenue numbers, the 2011 Missouri river flood and the damage to the state parks, the ongoing efforts to fight the Mountain Pine Beetles and concluded with the master plan for the Blood Run Creek National Historic site near Sioux Falls. (Handout 3)

All Secretaries answered questions from the committee members at the conclusion of their presentations.


Moved by:    Olson (Betty)
Second by:    Schaefer
Action:    Prevailed by voice vote.

Joshua Klumb


Committee Secretary
Charlie Hoffman, Vice- Chair


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