Committee Agenda

Committee:    House Appropriations
Room:    LCR2
Date:    Thursday, January 26, 2012
Time:    8:00 AM

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        HB 1030     revise certain provisions regarding the effective date of certain tax collection allowances.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Department of Revenue

        HB 1040     make an appropriation for the payment of extraordinary litigation expenses and to declare an emergency.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Finance and Management

        HB 1041     authorize the carryover of the state aid to special education appropriation in order to meet federal maintenance of effort levels.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Finance and Management

        HB 1042     repeal certain obsolete statutes relating to the State Cement Plant Commission.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Finance and Management

        HB 1043     repeal certain provisions regarding the full-time equivalent staffing report.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Finance and Management

        HB 1044     repeal certain statutes relating to the Bureau of Intergovernmental Relations.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Finance and Management
        HB 1017     authorize the Bureau of Administration to construct a maintenance shop in Pierre, to make an appropriation therefor, and to declare an emergency.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Bureau of Administration

        HB 1051     authorize the South Dakota Building Authority and the Board of Regents to implement the long-term capital project request of the Board of Regents providing for the demolition, construction, remodeling, or renovation of various structures on the campuses of the state's universities and to make appropriations therefor.
            The Committee on Appropriations at the request of the Board of Regents


        DEAN WINK, Chair