SB 7 repeal certain provisions allowing for the certification of technology parks and
to allow public or private developers to apply for certification.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the Governor's Office of
Economic Development
SB 11 authorize the Governor's Office of Economic Development to create and
administer a working capital loan and grant program.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the Governor's Office of
Economic Development
SB 26 revise certain requirements pertaining to earnest money paid in a cooperative
or cobrokerage real estate transaction.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the Real Estate
SB 27 revise disciplinary action remedies of the Cosmetology Commission.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the South Dakota
Cosmetology Commission
SB 28 revise provisions regarding the renewal process for certain third party
insurance administrators.
The Committee on Commerce and Energy at the request of the Department of Labor
and Regulation