SB 67 reduce the minimum size for improvement districts.
Senators Gray, Holien, Olson (Russell), and Tieszen and Representatives Turbiville and
SB 68* authorize investment of certain public funds in bonds issued by political
subdivisions or bonding authorities of the state.
Senators Gray, Holien, Lederman, and Tieszen and Representatives Turbiville and Perry
SB 69* revise certain provisions relating to county veterans memorials.
Senators Gray, Holien, Lederman, and Tieszen and Representatives Turbiville and Perry
SB 89* clarify a municipality's ability to assess a fee for street maintenance.
Senators Gray, Nelson (Tom), Schlekeway, and Tieszen and Representatives Kirkeby,
Deelstra, Munsterman, Perry, Rausch, and Venner
SB 98* revise certain provisions concerning the employment of a city manager and to
declare an emergency.
Senators Vehle and Bradford and Representatives Rozum, Carson, and Schrempp
SB 113 revise certain provisions regarding the notice requirements for changes in zoning
requested by landowners.
Senators Hunhoff (Jean), Begalka, Frerichs, Gray, Schlekeway, and Tieszen and
Representatives Hunhoff (Bernie), Fargen, Moser, Novstrup (David), Rausch, and Street
SB 120 revise the amount of compensation that water user district directors may receive.
Senators Nygaard, Bradford, and Tieszen and Representatives Hunhoff (Bernie), Jones,
Magstadt, and Munsterman
SB 122 revise certain provisions relating to the expenditure of water user district funds.
Senators Nygaard and Nelson (Tom) and Representatives Hunhoff (Bernie),
Boomgarden, Jones, and Venner
SB 130* provide a procedure for the Secretary of State to conduct certain local elections
when an emergency exists.
Senators Schlekeway and Lederman and Representatives Kirkeby, Gosch, and Hansen