P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Novstrup (David), Vice-Chair
P Street
P Steele
E Elliott
P Iron Cloud III
P Verchio, Chair
P Sigdestad
P Hickey
P Hubbel
P Liss
P Van Gerpen
P Rozum
P Hansen (Jon)
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Verchio.
Moved by: Novstrup (David)
Second by: Hansen (Jon)
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
HB 1192: increase certain registration fees for the use of motor vehicles on the public
Presented by: Representative Steve Street
Proponents: Dick Howard, SD Association of Towns & Townships
Cindy Foster, SD Assn. Of Towns and Townships
" Section 7. That § 32-6B-23 be amended to read as follows:
32-6B-23. The department shall issue to any motorcycle dealer and trailer dealer licensed
pursuant to this chapter metal number plates bearing a prefix of the letter "D" and containing a
distinguishing identification number of the licensee. The dealer shall make application to the
department for the plates and pay a fee of ten fifteen dollars for each plate. One license plate shall
be displayed on the rear of any motorcycle, or trailer, semitrailer, or travel trailer, owned by the
dealer while traveling on a public highway. Any vehicle owned by the licensed dealer and bearing
the dealers' metal plate may be operated on the streets and highways of this state for any purpose,
including demonstration by a prospective buyer. All money collected pursuant to this section shall
be distributed in the manner specified in § 32-11-2 and §§ 32-11-4.1 to 32-11-9, inclusive.
Section 8. That § 32-6B-36.3 be amended to read as follows:
32-6B-36.3. The department shall issue metal numerical license plates to an auction agency upon
application and payment of a forty-two sixty-three dollar yearly fee to be paid at the time of the
annual review date for each set desired. Such fees shall be distributed in the manner specified in
§§ 32-11-2 and 32-11-4.1 to 32-11-9, inclusive. The license plates shall be numbered consecutively
and shall bear as a prefix the number "99." The plates may be issued for a multiple year period. If
an auction agency's license is revoked or canceled or the auction agency goes out of business, the
"99" plates shall be returned to the department. If any person operates a motor vehicle with "99"
plates after the auction agency's license is revoked or canceled or after the auction agency goes out
of business, or if the person refuses to return the plates, the person is guilty of a Class 2
misdemeanor. ".
" Section 15. That § 32-6B-23 be amended to read as follows:
32-6B-23. The department shall issue to any motorcycle dealer and trailer dealer licensed
pursuant to this chapter metal number plates bearing a prefix of the letter "D" and containing a
distinguishing identification number of the licensee. The dealer shall make application to the
department for the plates and pay a fee of ten twenty dollars for each plate. One license plate shall
be displayed on the rear of any motorcycle, or trailer, semitrailer, or travel trailer, owned by the
dealer while traveling on a public highway. Any vehicle owned by the licensed dealer and bearing
the dealers' metal plate may be operated on the streets and highways of this state for any purpose,
including demonstration by a prospective buyer. All money collected pursuant to this section shall
be distributed in the manner specified in § 32-11-2 and §§ 32-11-4.1 to 32-11-9, inclusive.
Section 16. That § 32-6B-36.3 be amended to read as follows:
32-6B-36.3. The department shall issue metal numerical license plates to an auction agency upon
application and payment of a forty-two eighty-four dollar yearly fee to be paid at the time of the
annual review date for each set desired. Such fees shall be distributed in the manner specified in
§§ 32-11-2 and 32-11-4.1 to 32-11-9, inclusive. The license plates shall be numbered consecutively
and shall bear as a prefix the number "99." The plates may be issued for a multiple year period. If
an auction agency's license is revoked or canceled or the auction agency goes out of business, the
"99" plates shall be returned to the department. If any person operates a motor vehicle with "99"
plates after the auction agency's license is revoked or canceled or after the auction agency goes out
of business, or if the person refuses to return the plates, the person is guilty of a Class 2
misdemeanor. ".
Diane Mellan