P - Present
E - Excused
A - Absent
Roll Call
P Bradford
P Gray
P Kraus
P Rave
P Schlekeway
P Johnston, Vice-Chair
P Garnos, Chair
OTHERS PRESENT: See Original Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Senator Cooper Garnos, Chair.
Moved by: Schlekeway
Second by: Kraus
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
SB 152: require that any reduction in the general fund levies of a school district only
account for increases in the taxable valuation of property and to revise the property
tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
Presented by: Senator Larry Rhoden (Handout: 1)
Proponents: Dick Tieszen, Sioux Falls School District
Debbie D Hoffman, self, Sioux Falls
David Owen, SD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Justin Smith, Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce
Jim Hutmacher, Mid-Size Schools
Sandra Waltman, SD Education Association
Michael Held, SD Farm Bureau
13-28-45.The parent or guardian of a student who has been accepted for transfer is
responsible for transporting the student to school in the receiving district without
reimbursement. Either the district of residence or the receiving district may provide
transportation to students approved for transfer. A receiving school district may enter the
district of residence of students accepted for transfer into that school district to provide
transportation to those students. However, the school boards in both the receiving school
district and the resident school district shall annually approve the pick-up locations for those
students within any incorporated municipality. When approving pick-up locations, the
school boards shall base their decisions foremost on student safety. If the school boards
cannot reach agreement on the pick-up locations, the locations shall be determined by the
secretary of the Department of Education. The provisions of § 13-29-4 do not apply when
transporting students enrolled under the provisions of §§ 13-28-40 to 13-28-47. The
receiving district may charge a reasonable fee if the student elects to use the transportation
services offered by the receiving district. ".
Delete page 2.
Moved by: Johnston
Second by: Rave
Action: Prevailed by voice vote.
Cheri Hauschild