Ch. Page

    Board of Accountancy, provisions revised.
179 289

Administrative Rules
    Board of Accountancy, provisions revised.
179 289

    Categories of real estate licenses consolidated.
180 309

    Department of Health, emergency powers revised.
168 278

    Forest fires, system established to collect costs associated with fire protection.
197 326

    Genetically modified crops regulated.
188 317

    Gross receipts tax imposed on lodging, alcoholic beverages, and prepared
68 148

    Group health plans, rule-making authority of the Division of Insurance for these
        plans revised.
236 376

    Higher education savings plan policies, procedures, or guidelines authorized.
94 170

    Hunting licenses, expiration date may be revised by rule.
193 322

    Livestock auction agencies and livestock dealers, provisions revised.
191 320

    Online reverse auctions allowed for state purchases.
35 88

    Persons with disabilities, special parking sticker requirements revised.
149 255

    Public official and employee database created.
163 272

    Rules to be served certain time before Rules Review Committee to meet.
15 64

    Sales and use tax, uniform and simplified features proposed.
64 132

    Sealed bids may be submitted by electronic means.
36 88

    Secretary of State to permit secured parties to file and record a financing
226 363

    Teacher mentor program established.
80 162

    Tourism, gross receipts tax proposed.
63 128

    Weighing and measuring devices, inspection fees increased.
183 312

Agriculture and Horticulture
    Corporate farming, constitutional amendment repealed.
3 18

    Corporate farming restrictions revised.
204 334

    Genetically modified crops regulated.
188 317

    Livestock auction agencies and livestock dealers, provisions revised.
191 320

    Prairie dog management plans, no implementation without approval of the
169 281

    South Dakota Weed and Pest Control Commission membership revised.
189 318

Alcoholic Beverage
    Alcoholic beverage license, light wine provisions revised.
171 284

    Convention facility on-sale licenses, exception created.
172 284

    Temporary on-sale license, nonprofits allowed to have.
173 285

    Unlawful use or possession of an alcoholic beverage by a minor second offense,
        driving privileges modified.
174 286

Animals and Livestock
    Livestock auction agencies and livestock dealers, provisions revised.
191 320

    Livestock brand provisions revised.
190 318

    Milk sampler and grader license may be suspended or revoked.
192 322

    An appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly and disabled persons and to
        revise certain eligibility requirements.
57 121

    Appropriate funds from the water and environment fund and the environment and
        natural resources fund.
9 59

    Appropriation to reimburse counties for an election.
10 60

    Edgemont school district, appropriate money to replace state aid.
79 162

    General Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2002, amended.
6 56

    General Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2003.
4 20

    Money transferred out of the budget reserve fund to the general fund.
8 58

    Northern Crops Institute, special appropriation.
187 316

    Nurses' education tuition reimbursement program established.
12 62

    Opt out schools, state aid calculation revised.
84 165

    Special appropriation from the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota
        bred racing fund.
7 57

    The General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002, Regents System Office,
5 56

    Photo identification and pilot registration fee increased.
217 352

    Elections, method for marking and counting ballots revised.
76 159

    General election candidates must choose to run for only one office.
73 155

    Bank investment limitations revised.
218 353

    Preferential deposits of financial institutions, limit revised.
221 355

    Safe deposit box, access regulated.
222 357

    State charted banks, investment options revised.
219 353

    Trust companies, insurance and bond requirements revised.
220 354

Board of Pardons and Parole
    Board of Pardons and Parole membership increased.
123 219

    Inmate may waive parole hearing.
124 220

Board of Regents
    Board of Regents to provide information to students in grades seven to twelve.
89 167

    Postsecondary admission requirements revised.
93 170

    The General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002, Regents System Office,
5 56

    Agriculture and Business Development Authority bonds, tax exemption
13 63

    Livestock brand, provisions revised.
190 318

Cement Plant
    State Cement Plant Commission, compensation and meetings of commission
32 86

Child Abuse
    Child abuse, service of a notice of entry of an order or a decree procedure
131 232

Child Support
    Child support, method to serve withholding order revised.
127 225

    Chiropractors, certain license and renewal fees increased.
177 288

Civil Procedure
    Foreclosure by advertisement, procedure revised.
101 187

    Foreign corporations, service of process made through Secretary of State.
206 340

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 15-6-4(d).
248 393

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 15-14-6.1.
249 396

    Loss of chance doctrine abrogated.
96 176

    Optometrist, medical malpractice damages limited.
99 177

Code Commission
    Codify 2001 legislation.
20 73

    Domestic abuse statutes consolidated.
19 73

Contested Case
    Contested case, summary disposition allowed.
16 65

Controlled Substances
    Controlled substances, provisions revised.
167 275

    Corporate farming, restrictions revised.
204 334

    Foreign corporations, service of process made through Secretary of State.
206 340

    Securities, civil penalty for certain violations authorized.
207 341

    Securities, public offering fee capped.
208 341

    Shareholder voting by electronic means authorized.
203 332

    Trust may be shareholder in a professional corporation.
205 338

    Certain deeds may be recorded without platting.
199 328

    Commitment of persons with developmental disabilities, provisions revised.
136 236

    County highway system maintenance, provision repealed.
142 249

    County may levy a tax for secondary roads in unorganized areas.
143 249

    County welfare for a medically indigent person, time limit to file an application.
137 242

    Historic preservation loans or grants, limit for certain use changed.
14 63

    Local government referendums, time to file increased.
71 153

    Mobile and manufactured homes, penalties for moving revised.
148 253

    Municipal housing and redevelopment commissions, membership revised.
69 152

    Property classification and assessment appeal procedures revised.
51 114

    Salary schedule for county sheriffs adjusted.
42 106

    State's attorney salaries increased.
41 105

    Surplus government property, provisions related to the sale of the property
39 100

Courts and Judiciary
    In the matter of the adoption of the rules of procedure for expanded media
        coverage of Supreme Court proceedings.
246 388

    In the matter of the amendment of Canon 3(B)(12) of the Code of Judicial
247 392

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 21-27-18.1.
250 397

    Air piracy made a crime.
114 209

    Assault against a law enforcement officer to include the crime of "sliming."
107 192

    Crime of violence definition includes pedophilia.
102 189

    Financing statement, filing a false statement made a crime.
104 190

    Indecent exposure, penalty increased when the victim is a child.
111 206

    Interference with the use of a communication device to summon emergency aid
        made a crime.
214 350

    Internet pornography and exploitation, remedies created.
109 193

    Physical abuse of an infant.
106 191

    Prepaid adult entertainment cards regulated.
112 206

    Smoking in public places prohibited.
115 209

    Stalking, penalty increased.
108 193

103 189

    Terrorist threat, communicating the threat made a crime.
105 190

    The definition and venue of perjury prosecutions changed.
113 208

Criminal Procedure
    Crime victims compensation program, application requirements revised.
120 216

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 21-27-18.1.
250 397

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 23A-20-13.1.
251 398

    Lien on parent's property when legal counsel appointed for minor.
122 218

    Rendition of Prisoners in Criminal Proceedings Uniform Act.
119 214

    The definition and venue of perjury prosecutions changed.
113 208

    Victim of "sliming" may request that the defendant be tested.
121 217

Debtor and Creditor
    Deferred presentment transactions regulated.
223 358

Developmentally Disabled Persons
    Commitment of persons with developmental disabilities, provisions revised.
136 236

    Discrimination claims, investigation materials to be confidential.
98 177

Domestic Abuse
    Domestic abuse and stalking, certain filing and service fees repealed.
129 227

    Domestic abuse statutes consolidated.
19 73

Domestic Relations
    Alienation of affections, provisions revised.
97 176

    Background checks to be in home study reports.
116 210

    Child custody, criteria to decide custody modified.
126 223

    Child custody, who may petition for custody revised.
140 246

    Child support, method to serve withholding order revised.
127 225

    Domestic abuse and stalking, certain filing and service fees repealed.
129 227

    Foster child adoption.
130 232

    Health insurance coverage, implementation of the national medical support notice
128 225

    The committee on child custody created by Executive Order 2002-01 to report to
        the 2003 Legislature.
125 222

Driving Under the Influence
    Driving under the influence, blood alcohol limit reduced.
160 268

    Capital outlay fund may be used to purchase warranties.
85 165

    Color guard ceremonies, unloaded weapons allowed into schools.
90 168

    Consolidated school districts, the calculation of state aid for certain years
83 164

    Flag may be displayed on school grounds.
87 166

    Open enrollment provisions revised.
88 167

    Opt out schools, state aid calculation revised.
84 165

    Public schools to provide access to military recruiters.
81 163

    School board may initiate action calling for change of the size of the school
82 163

    School districts that consolidate may transfer funds.
86 166

    State aid for special education, recalculation of the allocation for disability in the
91 169

    Teachers and administrators, references to the code of ethics updated.
92 169

    Appropriation to reimburse counties for an election.
10 60

    Certain campaign finance provisions revised.
78 161

    Certificate of nomination, date for filing revised.
74 156

    Constitutional amendment regarding legislative redistricting after state or federal
        court ruling.
1 17

    Elections, certain municipal and school election procedures revised.
45 109

    Elections, certain provisions and terminology revised.
40 101

    Elections, electronic voting systems and automatic tabulating equipment
75 157

    Elections, method for marking and counting ballots revised.
76 159

    Elections, method to compute certain time periods created.
70 153

    General election candidates must choose to run for only one office.
73 155

    Local government referendums, time to file increased.
71 153

    Municipal and school elections, full-time postsecondary students may vote.
46 110

    Municipal elections, time to qualify for an office increased.
47 111

    Recount procedures revised.
77 160

    School board may initiate action calling for change of the size of the school
82 163

    Special purpose districts, election provisions revised.
144 249

    Township election, provisions revised.
43 107

    Voter registration files, procedures to update revised.
72 154

Emergency Clause
    South Dakota Retirement System, federal references updated.
22 76

Emergency Management
    Public official and employee database created.
163 272

    High voltage lines, safety zone for work increased.
215 351

Environmental Protection
    Petroleum release compensation fee, distribution revised.
170 282

    Ethanol payments, proration of payments to producers revised.
66 147

    Chiropractors, certain license and renewal fees increased.
177 288

    Genetically modified crops regulated.
188 317

    Insurance agents, license renewal and fee revised.
229 366

    Nurses' education tuition reimbursement program established.
12 62

    Nursing workforce center, funding through a license fee.
178 288

    Securities, public offering fee capped.
208 341

    Temporary on-sale license, nonprofits allowed to have.
173 285

    Vehicle identification number, fee allowed when number assigned.
147 252

    Weighing and measuring devices, inspection fees increased.
183 312

    Air piracy made a crime.
114 209

    Assault against a law enforcement officer to include the crime of "sliming."
107 192

    Indecent exposure, penalty increased when the victim is a child.
111 206

    Internet pornography and exploitation, remedies created.
109 193

    Physical abuse of an infant.
106 191

    Stalking, penalty increased.
108 193

103 189

    Terrorist threat, communicating the threat made a crime.
105 190

Fiduciaries and Trusts
    Total return unitrusts authorized.
225 359

    Trust laws revised.
100 178

    Fire suppression special revenue fund voucher approval, authority revised.
198 327

    Forest fires, system established to collect costs associated with fire protection.
197 326

Game, Fish and Parks
    East River three-day nonresident waterfowl hunting licenses authorized.
195 324

    Hunting licenses, expiration date may be revised by rule.
193 322

    Nonresident hunting license requirements for sandhill cranes modified.
194 324

    Park license, new areas where license required.
196 325

    Prairie dog management plans, no implementation without approval of the
169 281

Grain Dealers
    Grain dealer, definition revised.
216 351

Gross Receipts Tax
    Gross receipts tax imposed on lodging, alcoholic beverages, and prepared
68 148

    Tourism, gross receipts tax proposed.
63 128

Hazardous Material
    Transportation of hazardous materials, certain provisions updated.
213 349

Health Benefit Plans
    Group health plans, rule-making authority of the Division of Insurance for these
        plans revised.
236 376

Health Insurance
    Health insurance coverage, implementation of the national medical support notice
128 225

    Health insurance issuance or renewal, residency requirement revised.
235 375

Highways and Bridges
    County highway system maintenance, provision repealed.
142 249

    County may levy a tax for secondary roads in unorganized areas.
143 249

    State trunk highway system revised.
141 247

    Township highway projects bid provisions, certain sections repealed.
145 251

Human Rights
    Discrimination claims, investigation materials to be confidential.
98 177

Human Services Center
    Administrator of the Human Services Center, requirements revised.
135 235

Indian Tribe
    Unemployment insurance coverage extended to certain employment with an
        Indian tribe.
244 385

    Inmate may waive parole hearing.
124 220

    Affiliated insurance carriers, treatment as one health insurance carrier repealed.
237 377

    Certain life insurance forms made uniform.
234 374

    Credit unemployment insurance, Division of Insurance to review certain
238 377

    Directed suretyship prohibited.
34 87

    Health insurance issuance or renewal, residency requirement revised.
235 375

    Insurance agents required to forward delivery receipt to insurer.
232 371

    Insurance agents, license renewal and fee revised.
229 366

    Insurance producer, licensing requirements revised.
240 380

    Insurance records to be retained for a certain time period.
241 382

    Insurance taxes, effective date of certain provisions revised.
60 126

    Life insurance policies, exclusions approved by the director of the Division of
233 373

    Mortgage lender licensing, exemption created.
224 358

    Notice of nonrenewal for certain insurance policies, extended.
228 366

    Surety bonds exempt from countersignature, certain provisions revised.
230 370

    Surplus line broker, bond requirement revised.
242 384

    Surplus line broker, procedural requirements for orders and tax responsibility
243 384

    Title insurance, requirement to establish certain reserves.
239 378

    Utilization review for property and casualty insurers.
231 370

Insurance Agent
    Insurance producer, licensing requirements revised.
240 380

Investment Council
    Expenses of the investment council allocated to certain trust funds.
26 80

    Higher education savings plan policies, procedures, or guidelines authorized.
94 170

Juvenile Corrections
    Juvenile corrections monitor, duties revised.
133 234

    State training school, lease of facilities allowed.
132 233

Law Enforcement
    Assault against a law enforcement officer to include the crime of "sliming."
107 192

    Background checks to be in home study reports.
116 210

    Concealed pistol permit application may be filed electronically.
117 212

    Concealed pistol permit, provisions revised.
118 212

    Public lands, lease for military purposes authorized.
29 83

    Children's Mental Health Task Force created.
17 66

    Constitutional amendment regarding legislative redistricting after state or federal
        court ruling.
1 17

    Constitutional amendment to extend the time allowed for the Governor's review
        of legislation passed by the Legislature.
2 17

    Per diem for legislators revised.
18 67

    Prairie dog management plans, no implementation without approval of the
169 281

    The committee on child custody created by Executive Order 2002-01 to report to
        the 2003 Legislature.
125 222

    Local government authorized to set librarian salaries.
95 174

    Time and notice requirements repealed for filing certificate of release for
201 330

Life Insurance
    Life insurance policies, exclusions approved by the director of the Division of
233 373

Local Government
    Elections, certain municipal and school election procedures revised.
45 109

    Historic preservation loans or grants, limit for certain use changed.
14 63

    Local government authorized to set librarian salaries.
95 174

    Municipal and school elections, full-time postsecondary students may vote.
46 110

    Property classification and assessment appeal procedures revised.
51 114

    Property tax freeze, procedure to opt out revised.
54 117

    Single-source bidding authorized for certain local government units.
33 86

    Special purpose districts, election provisions revised.
144 249

    Surplus government property, provisions related to the sale of the property
39 100

    Surplus property sale provisions revised.
38 100

    Township election provisions revised.
43 107

    Township meeting laws revised.
44 108

Mental Health
    Administrator of the Human Services Center, requirements revised.
135 235

    Mental Health Planning and Coordination Advisory Council, composition
134 235

Military Affairs
    Activated national guard and reserve personnel, certain benefits extended to the
164 274

    Drivers licensing stations to notify Selective Service System regarding
        registration of eligible males.
155 263

    Governor's emergency powers revised.
162 270

    High school diplomas for certain veterans.
165 274

    Public schools to provide access to military recruiters.
81 163

    Milk sampler and grader license may be suspended or revoked.
192 322

    Background checks to be in home study reports.
116 210

    Child abuse, service of a notice of entry of an order or a decree procedure
131 232

    Child custody, criteria to decide custody modified.
126 223

    Child custody, who may petition for custody revised.
140 246

    Children's Mental Health Task Force created.
17 66

    Foster child adoption.
130 232

    Indecent exposure, penalty increased when the victim is a child.
111 206

    Internet pornography and exploitation, remedies created.
109 193

    Juvenile corrections monitor, duties revised.
133 234

    Lien on parent's property when legal counsel appointed for minor.
122 218

    Physical abuse of an infant.
106 191

    Prepaid adult entertainment cards regulated.
112 206

    State training school, lease of facilities allowed.
132 233

    Unlawful use or possession of an alcoholic beverage by a minor second offense,
        driving privileges modified.
174 286

    Financing statement, filing a false statement made a crime.
104 190

    Indecent exposure, penalty increased when the victim is a child.
111 206

    Interference with the use of a communication device to summon emergency aid
        made a crime.
214 350

    License plates issued to auction agency.
152 259

    Nonresident hunting license requirements for sandhill cranes modified.
194 324

    Persons with disabilities, special parking sticker requirements revised.
149 255

    Prepaid adult entertainment cards regulated.
112 206

Mortgage Lender
    Mortgage lender licensing exemption created.
224 358

Motor Carrier Inspector
    Motor carrier inspectors, arrest powers revised.
146 252

Motor Vehicles
    Commercial motor vehicle, certain traffic convictions and penalties revised.
156 264

    Drivers licensing stations to notify Selective Service System regarding
        registration of eligible males.
155 263

    Driving under the influence, blood alcohol limit reduced.
160 268

    Electric mobility device, use regulated.
161 270

    License plates issued to auction agency.
152 259

    Mobile and manufactured homes, penalties for moving revised.
148 253

    Motor carrier inspectors, arrest powers revised.
146 252

    Motor vehicle dealer, regulation revised.
153 260

    Motor vehicle exhaust system, location of side exhaust revised.
157 265

    Motor vehicle registration, license or title may be withheld or revoked in certain
154 262

    Motor vehicle weight restrictions, signing requirements modified.
158 266

    Overweight vehicle, penalty revised.
159 267

    Persons with disabilities, special parking sticker requirements revised.
149 255

    Qualifications revised for organizational decal on specialty license plates.
150 258

    Temporary license permit revised.
151 259

    Vehicle identification number, fee allowed when number assigned.
147 252

    Elections, certain municipal and school election procedures revised.
45 109

    Historic preservation loans or grants, limit for certain use changed.
14 63

    Local government referendums, time to file increased.
71 153

    Municipal and school elections, full-time postsecondary students may vote.
46 110

    Municipal elections, time to qualify for an office increased.
47 111

    Municipal housing and redevelopment commissions, membership revised.
69 152

    Property classification and assessment appeal procedures revised.
51 114

    Single-source bidding authorized for certain local government units.
33 86

    Surplus government property, provisions related to the sale of the property
39 100

    Temporary on-sale license, nonprofits allowed to have.
173 285

    Uniform Limited Partnership Act to allow limited liability limited partnerships.
210 342

Penal Institutions
    Physical abuse of an infant.
106 191

Petty Offense
    Health insurance coverage, implementation of the national medical support notice
128 225

    Smoking in public places prohibited.
115 209

Physicians and Surgeons
    Medicine or osteopathy, practice outside of state through electronic means
175 286

    Peer review activities of physicians made confidential.
176 287

Professions and Occupations
    Board of Accountancy, provisions revised.
179 289

    Categories of real estate licenses consolidated.
180 309

    Chiropractors, certain license and renewal fees increased.
177 288

    Medicine or osteopathy, practice outside of state through electronic means
175 286

    Nurses' education tuition reimbursement program established.
12 62

    Nursing workforce center funding through a license fee.
178 288

    Optometrist, medical malpractice damages limited.
99 177

    Peer review activities of physicians made confidential.
176 287

    Real estate license and renewal fees revised.
181 310

    Real estate licensees, certain suspended or revoked license procedures revised.
182 311

    Certain deeds may be recorded without platting.
199 328

    Lien on parent's property when legal counsel appointed for minor.
122 218

Protection Order
    Domestic abuse and stalking, certain filing and service fees repealed.
129 227

Public Fiscal Administration
    Budget reserve fund, amount transferred to be increased.
27 82

    Local bank accounts, approval authority of the state treasurer or state auditor
25 79

    Property tax reduction fund, maximum amount revised.
28 82

Public Health and Safety
    Certain rangeland fire-fighting functions, powers, and duties are transferred to the
        secretary of agriculture.
252 400

    Controlled substances, provisions revised.
167 275

    Department of Health, emergency powers revised.
168 278

    Genetic testing, laboratory to be accredited.
166 275

    High voltage lines, safety zone for work increased.
215 351

Public Officers and Employees
    Electronic signatures authorized for certain payroll deductions.
21 75

    Sovereign immunity, application in other courts clarified.
24 79

Public Utilities Commission
    Commercial power production facility, contractor's excise tax revised.
65 145

    Grain dealer, definition revised.
216 351

    One-call notification, provisions revised.
137 242

Public Welfare and Assistance
    County welfare for a medically indigent person, time limit to file an application.
137 242

Real Estate
    Camp Lakodia, quit claim deed and release of reversionary interest of land.
30 83

    Categories of real estate licenses consolidated.
180 309

    Certain deeds may be recorded without platting.
199 328

    Lien on parent's property when legal counsel appointed for minor.
122 218

    Real estate license and renewal fees revised.
181 310

    Real estate licensees, certain suspended or revoked license procedures revised.
182 311

    Recount procedures revised.
77 160

    Foreclosure by advertisement, procedure revised.
101 187

    In the matter of the amendment of SDCL 21-27-18.1.
250 397

    Internet pornography and exploitation, remedies created.
109 193

    Loss of chance doctrine abrogated.
96 176

    Optometrist, medical malpractice damages limited.
99 177

    Trust laws revised.
100 178

    Unsolicited electronic commerce regulated.
185 313

Safe Deposit
    Safe deposit box, access regulated.
222 357

Sales Tax
    Controlled group, definition for sales tax purposes revised.
62 128

    Mobile telecommunications services, sales and use tax imposed.
61 126

    Sales and use tax, uniform and simplified features proposed.
64 132

School and Public Lands
    Public lands, lease for military purposes authorized.
29 83

School Board
    Flag may be displayed on school grounds.
87 166

    School board may initiate action calling for change of the size of the school
82 163

School District
    Board of Regents to provide information to students in grades seven to twelve.
89 167

    Capital outlay fund may be used to purchase warranties.
85 165

    Color guard ceremonies, unloaded weapons allowed into schools.
90 168

    Elections, certain municipal and school election procedures revised.
45 109

    Flag may be displayed on school grounds.
87 166

    Local government referendums, time to file increased.
71 153

    Municipal and school elections, full-time postsecondary students may vote.
46 110

    Open enrollment provisions revised.
88 167

    Property tax freeze, procedure to opt out revised.
54 117

    School district general fund levy revised.
52 116

    School districts may initiate a vote to impose an excess tax levy.
53 117

    School districts that consolidate may transfer funds.
86 166

    Surplus government property, provisions related to the sale of the property
39 100

    Teacher mentor program established.
80 162

Secured Party
    Pilot program on use of state's computer system continued.
48 112

    Secretary of State to permit secured parties to file and record a financing
226 363

    Merit review of securities by director limited.
209 342

    Securities, civil penalty for certain violations authorized.
207 341

    Securities, public offering fee capped.
208 341

Sex Offender
    Sex offender registration provisions revised.
110 204

    Assault against a law enforcement officer to include the crime of "sliming."
107 192

    Victim of "sliming" may request that the defendant be tested.
121 217

South Dakota Building Authority
    South Dakota Building Authority, certain powers and authority revised.
31 84

South Dakota Railroad Authority
    South Dakota Railroad Authority authorized to acquire certain property.
212 348

South Dakota Retirement System
    South Dakota Retirement System benefits improved.
23 77

    South Dakota Retirement System, federal references updated.
22 76

    Unsolicited commercial e-mail regulated.
186 314

Special Appropriation
    An appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly and disabled persons and to
        revise certain eligibility requirements.
57 121

    Appropriate funds from the water and environment fund and the environment and
        natural resources fund.
9 59

    Appropriation to reimburse counties for an election.
10 60

    Edgemont school district, appropriate money to replace state aid.
79 162

    Money transferred out of the budget reserve fund to the general fund.
8 58

    Northern Crops Institute, special appropriation.
187 316

    Nurses' education tuition reimbursement program established.
12 62

    Opt out schools, state aid calculation revised.
84 165

    Special appropriation from the special racing revolving fund and the South Dakota
        bred racing fund.
7 57

State Affairs and Government
    Camp Lakodia, quit claim deed and release of reversionary interest of land.
30 83

    General Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2002, amended.
6 56

    General Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2003.
4 20

    Governor's emergency powers revised.
162 270

    Historic preservation loans or grants, limit for certain use changed.
14 63

    Prairie dog management plans, no implementation without approval of the
169 281

    Rules to be served certain time before Rules Review Committee to meet.
15 64

    South Dakota Student Loan Corporation, authority regarding private activity
        bonds revised.
11 61

    The committee on child custody created by Executive Order 2002-01 to report to
        the 2003 Legislature.
125 222

State Aid
    Consolidated school districts, the calculation of state aid for certain years
83 164

    Opt out schools, state aid calculation revised.
84 165

    State aid for special education, recalculation of the allocation for disability in the
91 169

State Purchases
    Online reverse auctions allowed for state purchases.
35 88

    Sealed bids may be submitted by electronic means.
36 88

State Training School
    State training school, lease of facilities allowed.
132 233

    Board of Regents to provide information to students in grades seven to twelve.
89 167

    Municipal and school elections, full-time postsecondary students may vote.
46 110

    Open enrollment provisions revised.
88 167

    Agriculture and Business Development Authority bonds, tax exemption repealed.
13 63

    An appropriation to fund tax refunds for elderly and disabled persons and to
        revise certain eligibility requirements.
57 121

    Cigarette taxes, certain roll-your-own products exempt from tax.
67 147

    Commercial power production facility, contractor's excise tax revised.
65 145

    Controlled group, definition for sales tax purposes revised.
62 128

    Ethanol payments, proration of payments to producers revised.
66 147

    Gross receipts tax imposed on lodging, alcoholic beverages, and prepared food.
68 148

    Gross receipts tax revised for certain telephone companies.
58 123

    Insurance taxes, effective date of certain provisions revised.
60 126

    Internal Revenue Code references updated.
59 124

    Mobile telecommunications services, sales and use tax imposed.
61 126

    Property assessment freeze, provisions revised.
50 113

    Property classification and assessment appeal procedures revised.
51 114

    Property tax freeze, procedure to opt out revised.
54 117

    Property taxes, local government may reduce in any year.
56 120

    Reclassification of property, procedure revised.
49 112

    Sales and use tax, uniform and simplified features proposed.
64 132

    School board to initiate vote on the decision to impose an excess tax levy.
55 119

    School district general fund levy revised.
52 116

    School districts may initiate a vote to impose an excess tax levy.
53 117

    Tourism, gross receipts tax proposed.
63 128

    Teacher mentor program established.
80 162

    Teachers and administrators, references to the code of ethics updated.
92 169

    Public official and employee database created.
163 272

    Terrorist threat, communicating the threat made a crime.
105 190

    Tourism, gross receipts tax proposed.
63 128

    Township election, provisions revised.
43 107

    Township highway projects bid provisions, certain sections repealed.
145 251

    Township meeting laws revised.
44 108

Trade Regulation
    Merit review of securities by director limited.
209 342

    Scale inspector, certain requirements eliminated.
184 313

    Unsolicited commercial e-mail regulated.
186 314

    Unsolicited electronic commerce regulated.
185 313

    Weighing and measuring devices inspection fees increased.
183 312

Unclaimed Property
    Unclaimed property, certain provisions revised.
200 328

Unemployment Insurance
    Unemployment insurance coverage extended to certain employment with an
        Indian tribe.
244 385

Uniform Commercial Code
    Uniform commercial code, filing office duties revised.
227 364

Uniform Probate Code
    Uniform probate code, certain terms revised.
138 242

    Uniform probate code, procedure for unresolved matters revised.
139 246

Use Tax
    Mobile telecommunications services, sales and use tax imposed.
61 126

    Sales and use tax, uniform and simplified features proposed.
64 132

    Crime victims compensation program, application requirements revised.
120 216

Voter Registration
    Voter registration files, procedures to update revised.
72 154

Water Management
    Appropriate funds from the water and environment fund and the environment and
        natural resources fund.
9 59

    Former state-owned dredges allowed to work out of state in certain
202 332

    Waterworks, special purpose corporation for certain systems.
37 89

Workers Compensation
    Volunteer firefighters eligible for workers compensation.
245 387