Ch. Page
911 surcharge, certain procedures for the remittance surcharge revised
Abuse and Neglect
Abandoned children, a procedure created to terminate parental rights
Abuse and neglect, dispositional decree requirements revised
Abused or neglected child, provisions regarding reunification with parent
Child abuse, punishment for crime increased
Custodian, definition revised as it relates to abuse and neglect
Department of Corrections, certain employees screened through the abuse and
neglect central registry
Agency Bill
Abuse and neglect, dispositional decree requirements revised
Abused or neglected child, provisions regarding reunification with parent
Adult inmates and parolees, information released to certain persons and entities
Agricultural experiment station, appropriation for certain beef and dairy unit
structures to be demolished and constructed
Alcoholic beverage license, suspension or revocation hearing may be moved
Anatomical gifts, certain provisions revised
Big and small game, definitions revised
Board of Chiropractic Examiners, disciplinary committee, ethics committee, and
fees authorized
Board of Regents, long-term capital projects and appropriation
Board of Regents, sale and purchase of certain land in Brookings County
Board of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired, composition abolished
Board of Vocational Rehabilitation, repeal the composition requirement of the
Boats, certain provisions regarding leasing and excise taxes revised
Boats, registration and numbering required
Certificate of nomination, filing date revised
Child abuse, punishment for crime increased
Child support provisions revised
Children's trust fund, provisions revised
Commercial motor vehicle drivers may rest at interstate rest areas for longer
period of time
Conservation officers, law enforcement authority clarified
Conservation officers, law enforcement authority for the officers revised
Cosmetology Commission, certain fees may be increased
Credit insurance, rule-making authority to regulate this insurance revised
Crime victims' compensation program, provisions revised
Dairy inspection fees revised
Dakota Prairie Playhouse, Board of Regents may purchase
Department of Agriculture, certain statutory programs revised
Department of Corrections, certain employees screened through the abuse and
neglect central registry
Direct payment permits, department may issue
Disability income insurance, standards set
Division of Rehabilitation Services, provisions relating to contested cases
Employer health plans, continuation and conversion requirements revised
Estate tax, certain estates of nonresidents subject to tax
Farm loan mediation board abolished, program authority transferred
Foreign and alien insurers, financial condition statement filing requirement
Fraternal benefit societies, certain managed care statutes applied
Fur dealer license, penalty increased for violations
Generally accepted accounting principles, state financial statements required to
meet standards
Health insurance, nonrenewal and preexisting conditions provisions revised
Health insurers subject to risk-based capital requirements
Hunting licenses, surcharge for depredation and public access continued
Ice fishing shack, time required to remove from public waters revised
Impartial mediation, provisions applied to managed care
Insurance producer, licensing reciprocity established
Insurance producer, only registered or exempt investment opportunities may be
Internal Revenue Code, references revised
International medical graduates, waiver requests processed
Interpreters for the deaf, certification, rule making, and fees
Interpreters for the deaf, review panel revised
Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
Involuntary commitment, no person may assist an escape of a person who has
been committed
Marriage records, provisions revised
Mental health, certain provisions revised
Motor carrier safety and transportation of hazardous materials, provisions
Motor carriers, the time to pay the identification fee is revised
Newborns and newly adopted children, health plan coverage requirements
Nonpublic school, penalty repealed for teaching without a certificate
Nonresident family fishing license, daily and possession limits modified
Notice of hearing, requirements revised for certain commitment hearings
Open burning, state fire marshall may prohibit
Out-of-service order, commercial motor vehicle may not be operated when order
is in effect
Parking garage, appropriation to renovate parking facility at the School for
the Deaf
Paternity and custody may be established in support debt proceedings
Paternity, genetic testing my be ordered upon motion for good cause
Person elected to vacant office, certain timeframe to take office revised
Personal information, disclosure of information in motor vehicle records
Photo identification, a person must provide when conservation officer examines
a person's license
Pipeline safety inspection, citations to federal law updated
Plant inspection and quarantine certain provisions revised
Political party officials, secretary of state to be notified of nomination or
Postsecondary tuition and fees for persons with disabilities
Prairie dog control and protection
Real estate appraiser program, secretary may assess costs in a contested case
Real estate licensee errors and omissions insurance, exemption repealed
Real estate licensing examination, certain provisions repealed
School board may not employ a person who is suspended or whose certificate is
School consolidation provisions revised
Seat belts, use required for certain persons
Securities registration, Canadian broker-dealers exempt
Small business group health plans, requirements revised
Special education, the uses for the extraordinary cost fund expanded
State fair, accounting process revised
State radio transferred from the attorney general to the Bureau of Information
and Telecommunications
State trunk highway system revised
Teacher or administrator certificate revoked for being involved with controlled
Telephone or video conferencing, Board of Pardons and Parole may conduct
Tennis complex, appropriation to construct facility at the University of
South Dakota
Tobacco distributor or wholesaler, license may be revoked for failure to provide
certain information
Tuition reimbursement program, appropriation to the Department of Health
Uniform Commercial Code, fees established
Union County State Park, name changed
Unsatisfied judgment, a person may not have a hunting, fishing, or trapping
license when a civil penalty for a game violation remains unpaid
Violent offenses identified for parole eligibility
Voter qualifications for municipal and school district elections, provisions
Voter registration list, procedure to update the list revised
Weights and measures inspections may be performed every two years
Wild animals, civil damages for unlawful taking revised
Workers compensation, third party administrators regulated
Agricultural Experiment Station
Agricultural experiment station, appropriation for certain beef and dairy unit
structures to be demolished and constructed
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverage license, suspension or revocation hearing may be moved
Farm wineries may hold off-sale wine license
Fetal alcohol syndrome, suspected cases reported
Municipalities may issue on-sale license for certain large events
On-sale liquor licenses, provisions relating to resort facilities revised
Underage possession or consumption of alcoholic beverage, venue to adjudicate
charge clarified
Anatomical Gift
Anatomical gifts, certain provisions revised
Agricultural experiment station, appropriation for certain beef and dairy unit
structures to be demolished and constructed
Appropriation from chapter 14 of the 2000 Session Laws amended
Appropriation in chapter 14 of the 2000 Session Law amended
Board of Regents, long-term capital projects and appropriation
Board of Regents, sale and purchase of certain land in Brookings County
Children's trust fund, provisions revised
Congressional Medal of Honor medals and Korean War ceremony,
Dakota Prairie Playhouse, Board of Regents may purchase
Home heating assistance, transfer of funds
Lewis and Clark Rural Water System, state to share in costs
Northern Crops Institute, appropriation
Out-of-school time program grants
Parking garage, appropriation to renovate parking facility at the School for
the Deaf
Prison industries, appropriation to build facilities authorized
Reading enhancement program appropriation
Sales tax task force created
Special emergency and disaster fund, appropriation
Special primary election, appropriation to reimburse certain counties
Tax refunds for elderly and disabled persons, appropriation
Tennis complex, appropriation to construct facility at the University of
South Dakota
The General Appropriations Act
Tuition reimbursement program, appropriation to the Department of Health
Voter registration, statewide list established
Wildfire suppression, appropriation
Assisted Living Center
Assisted living centers must disclose charges
Attorney General
State radio transferred from the attorney general to the Bureau of Information
and Telecommunications
Candidate for municipal office, method to determine position on ballot revised
Board of Regents
Agricultural experiment station, appropriation for certain beef and dairy unit
structures to be demolished and constructed
Board of Regents, long-term capital projects and appropriation
Board of Regents, sale and purchase of certain land in Brookings County
Dakota Prairie Playhouse, Board of Regents may purchase
Parking garage, appropriation to renovate parking facility at the School for
the Deaf
Postsecondary education credit, offering credit by nonaccredited institution
Tennis complex, appropriation to construct facility at the University of
South Dakota
Boats, certain provisions regarding leasing and excise taxes revised
Boats, registration and numbering required
Bureau of Finance and Management
Generally accepted accounting principles, state financial statements required to
meet standards
Bureau of Information and Telecommunications
State radio transferred from the attorney general to the Bureau of Information
and Telecommunications
Business Trusts
Business trusts regulated and certain provisions revised
Candidate for municipal office, method to determine position on ballot revised
Capital Outlay Fund
Capital outlay fund, expenditures from fund revised
Capital outlay fund, proceeds from the sale of surplus property may be placed
in the fund
Energy savings contract, deposit and repayment of funds
Textbooks, purchase from school district capital outlay fund authorized
Child Support
Child support provisions revised
Paternity and custody may be established in support debt proceedings
Class 1 Misdemeanor
Fur dealer license, penalty increased for violations
Postsecondary education credit, offering credit by nonaccredited institution
Public highway rights-of-way, certain activity restricted
Unsatisfied judgment, a person may not have a hunting, fishing, or trapping
license when a civil penalty for a game violation remains unpaid
Weeds and pests, certain penalties established for failure to control
Class 2 Misdemeanor
Weeds and pests, certain penalties established for failure to control
Constitutional Amendment
Health care trust fund, amendment to Constitution proposed to voters
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Commercial motor vehicle drivers may rest at interstate rest areas for longer
period of time
School bus driver, school district notified when license suspended
Water user and sanitary district directors, compensation increased
Competitive Bid
Public improvements requiring competitive bids, expenditure limit revised
Resident bidders on public contracts, preference revised
Conservation Officer
Conservation officers, law enforcement authority clarified
Conservation officers, law enforcement authority for the officers revised
Photo identification, a person must provide when conservation officer examines
a person's license
Contested Case
Alcoholic beverage license, suspension or revocation hearing may be moved
Division of Rehabilitation Services, provisions relating to contested cases
Real estate appraiser program, secretary may assess costs in a contested case
Controlled Substances
Controlled drug or substance, certain definitions revised
Intoxicating substances, venue for crime of ingesting certain substances revised
Cooperative director, eligibility provisions revised
Cosmetology Commission, certain fees may be increased
County budget hearing, certain notice requirements revised
County drainage plan, public policy to protect private land established
Housing of prisoners, revise provisions relating to costs
Local government cooperation and consolidation, procedures adopted
Real estate documents, standardized
Referred measure from county commission, election date set
Salaries for county officials, adjusted
Special primary election, appropriation to reimburse certain counties
Barratry definition revised
Concurrent or consecutive sentences, discretion of the court clarified
Garnishments, court where proceedings may be filed clarified
Practice of law without a license, penalty increased
Anhydrous ammonia, use regulated and penalty imposed
Arrests, circumstance under which a person may be taken into custody revised
Concurrent or consecutive sentences, discretion of the court clarified
Crime of violence, the Unified Judicial System must notify the chief administrator
of a school where a juvenile convicted of this type of an offense is enrolled
Fur dealer license, penalty increased for violations
Livestock theft classified as grand theft
Theft, taking money or property of an inmate or a patient
Threatening or harassing communication, defined as a crime
Unsatisfied judgment, a person may not have a hunting, fishing, or trapping
license when a civil penalty for a game violation remains unpaid
Criminal Procedure
Arrests, circumstance under which a person may be taken into custody revised
Crime victims' compensation program, provisions revised
Grand jury, certain procedures for returns modified
Indigent defendants, reimbursement of certain costs provisions revised
Restitution required from those defendants no longer on probation
Deceptive Trade Practices
Prescription drug cards regulated
Department of Agriculture
Dairy inspection fees revised
Department of Agriculture, certain statutory programs revised
Farm loan mediation board abolished, program authority transferred
Northern Crops Institute, appropriation
Plant inspection and quarantine certain provisions revised
Prairie dog control and protection
Ruminant livestock feeds, regulated
State fair, accounting process revised
State hog checkoff program established
Wildfire suppression, appropriation
Wildland fire coordinator, position and duties created
Department of Commerce and Regulation
Alcoholic beverage license, suspension or revocation hearing may be moved
Board of Chiropractic Examiners, disciplinary committee, ethics committee, and
fees authorized
Cosmetology Commission, certain fees may be increased
Credit insurance, rule-making authority to regulate this insurance revised
Disability income insurance, standards set
Employer health plans, continuation and conversion requirements revised
Foreign and alien insurers, financial condition statement filing requirement
Fraternal benefit societies, certain managed care statutes applied
Health insurance, nonrenewal and preexisting conditions provisions revised
Health insurers subject to risk-based capital requirements
Impartial mediation, provisions applied to managed care
Insurance producer, licensing reciprocity established
Insurance producer, only registered or exempt investment opportunities may
be sold
Motor carrier safety and transportation of hazardous materials, provisions
Newborns and newly adopted children, health plan coverage requirements
Open burning, state fire marshall may prohibit
Out-of-service order, commercial motor vehicle may not be operated when
order is in effect
Real estate appraiser program, secretary may assess costs in a contested case
Real estate licensee errors and omissions insurance, exemption repealed
Real estate licensing examination, certain provisions repealed
Securities registration, Canadian broker-dealers exempt
Small business group health plans, requirements revised
Tribal identification cards may be used when applying for a driver's license
Weights and measures inspections may be performed every two years
Department of Corrections
Adult inmates and parolees, information released to certain persons and entities
Department of Corrections, certain employees screened through the abuse and
neglect central registry
Inmate telephone calls, Corrections Commission to study
Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision
Juvenile corrections facility, possession or delivery of contraband prohibited
Prison industries, appropriation to build facilities authorized
Telephone or video conferencing, Board of Pardons and Parole may conduct
Theft, taking money or property of an inmate or a patient
Violent offenses identified for parole eligibility
Department of Education and Cultural Affairs
Black Hills Forest High School, appropriation
Nonpublic school, penalty repealed for teaching without a certificate
Reading enhancement program appropriation
School board may not employ a person who is suspended or whose certificate is
School consolidation provisions revised
School districts, incentive to consolidate